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Variation of Firearms licence

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hi...can anyone explain this, i need a variation as i am looking to get a .17hmr as well as the rimfire .22. is it simple to do etc...most of my land is passed for up to .243 so that shouldnt be a problem but do i need to re fill in the whole application form with referees or is it easier....


also i was thinking about being cheeky and asking for an open licence for the .17 - the feo passed comment on the ammount of ammo i had gone through with my rimfire [licence was only renewed last marchish], so thought i might ask for it to be opened up?


anyone give me the proceedure??


i will ring the licensing dept tomorrow...



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hi...can anyone explain this, i need a variation as i am looking to get a .17hmr as well as the rimfire .22. is it simple to do etc...most of my land is passed for up to .243 so that shouldnt be a problem but do i need to re fill in the whole application form with referees or is it easier....


also i was thinking about being cheeky and asking for an open licence for the .17 - the feo passed comment on the ammount of ammo i had gone through with my rimfire [licence was only renewed last marchish], so thought i might ask for it to be opened up?


anyone give me the proceedure??


i will ring the licensing dept tomorrow...




You need to fill in the whole form but you don't need to do the referee thing unless it's an actual renewal of the FAC.


If you can show that you are likely to be invited onto other land then I can't see why they wouldn't open up the condition on your FAC - clearly you are already doing a lot of shooting so it's reasonable that you would want to shoot at other places too. Personally speaking, I think this business of only allowing you to shoot on a single piece of land is ridiculous. You are either safe to be entrusted with a firearm or you aren't. Why does it matter what piece of land you are using it on as long as you have permission from the owner/occupier and are safe?



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hi...can anyone explain this, i need a variation as i am looking to get a .17hmr as well as the rimfire .22. is it simple to do etc...most of my land is passed for up to .243 so that shouldnt be a problem but do i need to re fill in the whole application form with referees or is it easier....


also i was thinking about being cheeky and asking for an open licence for the .17 - the feo passed comment on the ammount of ammo i had gone through with my rimfire [licence was only renewed last marchish], so thought i might ask for it to be opened up?


anyone give me the proceedure??


i will ring the licensing dept tomorrow...




You need to fill in the whole form but you don't need to do the referee thing unless it's an actual renewal of the FAC.


If you can show that you are likely to be invited onto other land then I can't see why they wouldn't open up the condition on your FAC - clearly you are already doing a lot of shooting so it's reasonable that you would want to shoot at other places too. Personally speaking, I think this business of only allowing you to shoot on a single piece of land is ridiculous. You are either safe to be entrusted with a firearm or you aren't. Why does it matter what piece of land you are using it on as long as you have permission from the owner/occupier and are safe?




Damn right, it's daft! I am very glad I have an open ticket.

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hi...thanks...i will download an application from and fill it in tonight!!


i am picking up more bit of land...nothing massive but big enough [and safe enough] for a .17, but it will be a pain in the butt if i have to contact the feo every time i get a new patch....still it will be his workload that increases!!! i hope i can convince him of the need, and my experience/safety knowledge to get an open.



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Degsy...it is one form to fill in and you need two referees [you download their forms and give to them, i usually supply them with a prepaid envelope to encourage them to post quickly]...


it is fairly straight forward, i am sure that some of your land will be ok for fac...i will copy the forms tomorrow once i have filled them in and show you the copies!!



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hi...can anyone explain this, i need a variation as i am looking to get a .17hmr as well as the rimfire .22. is it simple to do etc...most of my land is passed for up to .243 so that shouldnt be a problem but do i need to re fill in the whole application form with referees or is it easier....


also i was thinking about being cheeky and asking for an open licence for the .17 - the feo passed comment on the ammount of ammo i had gone through with my rimfire [licence was only renewed last marchish], so thought i might ask for it to be opened up?


anyone give me the proceedure??


i will ring the licensing dept tomorrow...




You need to fill in the whole form but you don't need to do the referee thing unless it's an actual renewal of the FAC.


If you can show that you are likely to be invited onto other land then I can't see why they wouldn't open up the condition on your FAC - clearly you are already doing a lot of shooting so it's reasonable that you would want to shoot at other places too. Personally speaking, I think this business of only allowing you to shoot on a single piece of land is ridiculous. You are either safe to be entrusted with a firearm or you aren't. Why does it matter what piece of land you are using it on as long as you have permission from the owner/occupier and are safe?




Damn right, it's daft! I am very glad I have an open ticket.

Glad I moved to Scotland... at least when they issue your lcertificate up here they issue it open :tongue2:

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hi...thanks...i will download an application from and fill it in tonight!!


i am picking up more bit of land...nothing massive but big enough [and safe enough] for a .17, but it will be a pain in the butt if i have to contact the feo every time i get a new patch....still it will be his workload that increases!!! i hope i can convince him of the need, and my experience/safety knowledge to get an open.





I had exactly the same problem were l stay in Scotland. Geese are becoming a huge problem here and I wanted to give my neighbours and anyone in the village who has problems with them the opportunity of me shooting them. But the little table on the FAC application form does'nt give you much space.


I got round this after checking in with my local firearms dept by putting village crofts and common grazings into my application form and getting my village clerk to authorise it. Now if anyone in my village wants my services I only need a written letter from each of them authorising me to shoot on their land stating the guns that I am allowed to shoot with as well. I have been told by the local plod that this letter does not have to be handed into them but I must keep them when I am given them incase of any problems.

Edited by mangy1983
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hi...can anyone explain this, i need a variation as i am looking to get a .17hmr as well as the rimfire .22. is it simple to do etc...most of my land is passed for up to .243 so that shouldnt be a problem but do i need to re fill in the whole application form with referees or is it easier....


also i was thinking about being cheeky and asking for an open licence for the .17 - the feo passed comment on the ammount of ammo i had gone through with my rimfire [licence was only renewed last marchish], so thought i might ask for it to be opened up?


anyone give me the proceedure??


i will ring the licensing dept tomorrow...



Don't bother with the form, just write you inquiry officer a letter, send it recorded deliver though, works for me and most shooters i know.


Good luck

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hi...can anyone explain this, i need a variation as i am looking to get a .17hmr as well as the rimfire .22. is it simple to do etc...most of my land is passed for up to .243 so that shouldnt be a problem but do i need to re fill in the whole application form with referees or is it easier....


also i was thinking about being cheeky and asking for an open licence for the .17 - the feo passed comment on the ammount of ammo i had gone through with my rimfire [licence was only renewed last marchish], so thought i might ask for it to be opened up?


anyone give me the proceedure??


i will ring the licensing dept tomorrow...



Don't bother with the form, just write you inquiry officer a letter, send it recorded deliver though, works for me and most shooters i know.


Good luck


This should be the way to do it but it depends on the particular force area. I once sent the form in with things like "all as current certificte" for firearms in your possession and "approx 1000 rounds" for ammunition in your possession. Got a letter back saying that I had to fill in the form with precise information. It's just insane because they know what guns I have and why does it matter how much ammo I have as long as I'm not over my allowance? If I were over it then I wouldn't tell them and anyway and it's irrelevant how many I had at precisely the point I filled he form in because I could have shot some off or reloaded more.


Why do you even need to fill in your name and address because you're sending the FAC in the same envelope???


There should be a separate, simplified, form for variations - personally, I don't see why you can't do it by filling out a form on their website and clicking a button marked "submit".


Quite honstly, what we need is a national licensing agency like DVLA. It's stupid having it done by over 40 different forces all with their own idea of how to do things. Also, it is just a total waste of police time and resources. The police shouldn't have to do this and should be spending their time catching criminals.



Edited by JonathanL
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cheers for the replies...sent the form off the other day to Lancs. had a chat with the enq officer about all of this...inc that they will grant me a .243 [no conditions] for fox but as soon as i mention deer they want dsc1/mentoring on it, and wasnt that a bit daft....i was given the response that the head of the firearms licencing was being replaced and the new bod may have different ideas about how they do things..inc the use of .17hmr for fox!!


will not hold my breath but will wait and see. i was told that seing as it is seen as a small increase from .22lr they thought it would be automatically 'open', will wait and see [i enclosed a bit of blurb asking for an open cert to be granted]


will keep everyone posted and thanks!!

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