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Back in action !!!


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i went out at 1300 hrs for a couple of hours with my gun as i aint been out since got it tuned and got my scope sorted from hawke


so off i went from my house about 2 mins walk onto some of my permission which is a small wooded area that seperates 2 fields and goes for about a mile, i put up some paper targets at 10yards and rest upon a stump and took aim and 3 shoots later all were going high so set scope in and walked out to 30yards and did the same till i was putting pellets in a 2p group then i had a bit of a play about walking out to 35,40,45,50 yards to gauge hold over etc then walked up to 15 yards to gauge etc sorted so removed targets and put in webbing before i set off for a mooch about


i walked about 200 yards from were i was setting up scope and seen a squirrel about 40 yards away running like mad away from me so followed him till he stopped about 30 yards away so put cross hair straight on eye and down he fell not even a kick , this was my first kill in ages since all my bad luck so was over the moon and got a bit more confidence back :thumbs::boogie:


i walked about 200 yards and seen another squirrel about 25 yards away so put about half a mil dot hold under and crack seen it hit him in the head and he flipped and was hanging from some ivy stone dead so after a couple of shots of trying to get him down he was not budging so left him for the crows :doh:


i then left the woods and headed for my local golf course to see if there was any bunys about and to right there was all running like the clappers when they heard me comming form about 200 yards crunching the snow :wallbash: so bunny was defo off the menu had a walk around and spotted a woodie sat up a big oak so creeped as best as i could in 8 inches of snow , id prob of been better off getting closer on a harley lol :tongue2: i got about 40 yards away and he flew :doh: gutted but then as i watched him fly i noticed he had left his mate behind so i lifted my gun put about 1.5 mil dot hold over between the shoulder blades and let lead fly and to my suprise it dropped like a stone not even a twitch upon getting the bird and doing a little dance i noticed the pellet had went in at the bottom of the neck and out the front taking the whole crop contents with it :clapper::boogie:


my feet were getting cold by now so i decide to head back throught the woods before i went home and spotted another squirrel about 30 yards with his head behind a branch so i took aim at the heart and let lead fly and he dropped like a dead thing :boogie:


all in all a good couple of hours out and also gained some more permission from another farmer i came across :thumbs: now time for a warm bath and a :drink: as my feet are feezing after just slipping my boots back on for the pic :thumbs:


happy hunting




Edited by kev1986
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Nice shooting Kev buddy,


Its good to see that the BSA is now tuned and back in action cracking vermin :thumbs:


I see you have learnt your mil dots well pal :thumbs:


Your guns hold over is the same as my 2 pal so i guess your gun must be pushing out about 11.6 FP ish.


40 yards or 36.5 metres is also 1.5 mil dots hold over on my guns to and 25 metres requires also .5 of a mil dot hold under.


Ill give you a phone when i get back from Germany pal and we will have to get out again bunny bashing.



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nice going kev :thumbs:

it sounds/shows like your confidance is definatly back.well done buddy there is nothing worse than being frustrated in shooting, but you cant beat a good old fashion confidance boost.and looks like your rifle is doing great too.

well done buddy




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