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Seasons greetings all,

Hope everyone has had a good, stress free couple of days. I've been excessing in alcohol for weeks now back from Univeristy in Bristol

and to be totally honest feel very washed out now! Cant concentrate on anything other than shooting ;) .


Anyway long story short I wrote a huge peice and my PC decided to just reboot and I lost it, I shouldnt be having these problems with fairly new PC!


So in short I havent been posting my own results since the summer really, mainly due to my lack of camera, and my lack of results all round really.

Dont get m,y wrong I have been going out where possible but with the mindframe of hunting rabbits, but on the farm these days they are hard sport, all very nervous after the great anhilation that has diminished their numbers over the last few years. A wave of mixi also killed a great deal of them, but being on a real farm these buggers are wild as it gets and sometimes you could attempt to ambush them, lying out 30 meters from the most active warrens, and be on the deck 2 hours with no sight. So in short I have spent 2 years of great sport on these guys but now its grown a bit thin, and to tell you the truth Im a bit bored of the rabbits (in winter anyways). So a month or two ago I knocked off a few pigeons, which has re-sparked my interest in hunting feathered game and squirrels. Squirrels have never been an option as they just simply are not anywhere to be seen on any part of the farm, apart from this one corner I have recently started hunting in. Pigeons and Corvids also provide a real tough target, fleeing at the site of a human at minimum 200 meters with really sharp eyes looking for you stalking through the undergrowth. Having shot urban permissions before this is a totally wild way of hunting, something practicsed and demonstrated by famous shooters like John Darling..


However I have began to utilise natural hides and make them better, looking onto busy crossroads of pigeon activity...

Slowly but surely this is leading to good results, of huge grain filled pigeons.

I have a new camera now and when not away from home at Uni, will be knocking them down and reposting my results often as I used to.

The forums gives me an output to look at when away from the countryside to live shooting through other people and keeps me really hungry for when I get back. I have been known to wake up on a Friday morning, have a look on THL forums, and say 'bugger it', jump in the car, and be back in oxfordshire within 2 hours on the farm! And I can always play the 'I have come to see you' card to my girlfriend!


So anyway yesterday iwent for a really pedantic zero session, and after an hour I was pellet on pellet at 25 meters, nothing super special but thats my zero range. Im more than comfortable with hold over and under, and the HW95K just never misses the mark, its the 'nutt behind the butt'.


So I located a new natural feature, in a huge open field but right in the corner next to a stream.

The bank dropped down and almost created a hollow for me to sit in, facing ointo this huge tree which I mentioned earlier, Is a popular haven for the old pigeons. Spent most the time messing about looking around but eventually started to build a hide, not needing much cover before the first kill from the hide came.



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I know I didnt mention it because I'm sure everyone sees some big pigeons but when I got my hands on it it was enormous! It fell stone dead out the tree and no shit sounded like a rugby ball being thrown towards the ground from a tree ahaha! He feel right from the top!

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We have some HUGE Woodies round here as well :yes: Of which I have shot a huge fat ZERO :icon_redface:


Nice going :gunsmilie:


That 1st one looks like you put about 50 pellets through it with a scatter gun with all those little feathers sticking out :tongue2:


And are they Phezzy heads just awaiting a quick slap with lead? (or have you already done em?)



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That 1st one looks like you put about 50 pellets through it with a scatter gun with all those little feathers sticking out :tongue2:


And are they Phezzy heads just awaiting a quick slap with lead? (or have you already done em?)




hahah yeh it does look a bit worse for ware, It fell from literally the top of that tree with no resistance and hit the ground so hard ruffled it up a bit I think, plus had to chuck it over a stream after retrieving. The pheasants I will shoot if the situation arises only direct headshots though, however, my two friends had an FAC .22 they were going for them with :)


And to the question about the snow, it basically was gone that morning when I got up (11am) heheh... We had it a bit here but it was never full on snow in like alot of places, which is strange as we usually get alot.

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