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shotgun cert application

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hi all well i finnaly decided to go for my shotgun cert and applied three weeks ago two weeks ago i had my home visit now i am no angel i have traffic offences ie 1 speeding ticket and a couple lighting regs and two assaults 1 in 1996 and 1 in 2001 now i declared all of these in the application i have just no long left the army where i spent 12 years i have not been in any kind of trouble with the police since 2001 so the police women says it might hinder my application ie i might be refused now i live in newmains so i come under strathclyde police area and they are ment to be ruthless whats your views will i get it or not any one else been in the same situation please any advice would be very helpfull :thumbs-up:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Riggers; Strathclyde's Scotland, yeah? Ok, well I don't believe the pertinant laws are any differant there from England, mate. So, on that basis, here's the craic, as I understand it:


Your Record is wiped after six years, mate. (Like, I had a spot of indiscretion about a decade and a half back, yet recently got my own clean bill of health from the UK Police. They've 'never heard of me', it says. Clean as a whistle ;)


So, bottom line is, IF they get stringent and give ye a knock back this time around? Find the exact date of your own bother and just sit it out till ye pass the sixth aniversary. Join BASC (or what ever, for the 3rd Party Insurance cover) Get some Written Permission. Get ye cabinet installed. Reapply and sit back smilingly awaiting that chit! In Law, they basicly can't stop ye owning a Shotgun under those circumstances :good:


(Obviously, I'm more than happy to be corrected if I have anything wrong above. But, to the best of my own knowledge, that will more than Entitle you).


Remember, mate: They can be as strict as they like ~ In their adherrance to the LAW. But they can't Make Laws to suite their own CC's views.

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It says in th Fair Game book i have that a Chief Officer,with whom is vested the responsibility of granting a certificate can f**k you off if he thinks your of un sound mind or pose a potential danger to public safety or the peace.


So reading that, if the Bobby don't like the look of you, he can refuse you. It goes on a bit quoting this and that but basically,if you've done 3 years or more collar,or if your under 14 you cannot apply,everything else is about showing good character and sound mind to the visiting Policeman.


If you get refused you can appeal to the Crown Court (England/Wales), or Sheriff in Scotland within 21 days.


So in a nut shell,smile,be nice,laugh at the Coppers jokes and put some nice family photo's about the house,make a nice cup of tea for him and let him use your toilet before he leaves and you should be ok.

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Its a civil right to own a shotgun.That means the police have to prove you unsuitable, in a court of law, should you be willing to take it that far.If the offences are over 5 years old, and not that serious, i would go for it.

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i got my cert and a letter with it saying if i got into trouble with police for any thing it would be revoked and i had to send of to scotland yard for a list of my convictions so dont worry mate .All of your run ins with the law are kept on file they never disappear alltogether its another big brother thing

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