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why the ban wont be repealed by conservatives.

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I hear a lot in the forums and hunting press about the conservatives plans to repeal the hunting with dogs farce,and a good many blokes ive spoken to say they will vote CON servative so they can use their lurchers again legally,BUT when i spoke to my local conservative MP about it it appears the conservatives actual plans are very deceptive,their plan is to change the law so as to allow REGISTERED packs for foxhunting,no help for the common man at all!


so remember this when voting later in the year and maybe see where your local MP stands on this and ask him what cameron is ACTUALLY planning.

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no help for the common man at all!


you're right fishfish they dont care about the wee guy just the Upper Classes- they will claim the benefits will trickle down to the workers of estates but the only people that will benefit will be the toffs

clapper.gif Too true its the reason it got banned in the first place CLASS and both classes of people are to blame if the rich landowners had not been as protective over who hunted on their lands years ago [last 200] it would have been seen as more acceptable in todays day and age IMHO its the reason its more acceptable in southern ireland and thats why they will struggle to get it banned over theirthumbs.gif
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cameron will allow a free vote on the act , meaning each mp votes their opinion not along party lines. . .it certainly doesnt mean the country will get a vote on it. If you dont vote conservative nothing will change. Foxhunting is not a "toffs" thing , that is just a stereotype, nothing more.

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cameron will allow a free vote on the act , meaning each mp votes their opinion not along party lines.


i know little of what goes on in Westminster other than what i see for myself,however i believe the MP's are not capable of a free vote.A vote in the house is as good as cash for favours,'ille vote with you mate and if i do will you vote with me on blah blah' what the constituents want will be of very little worth,and also as the votes are supposed to be secret the constituents wont know if their MP has been two faced or not!

the best chance we have is firstly discredit the RSPCA (easily done) they are the British equivalent of the American lobbyists,without them we can directly lobby them ourselves backed by the hunting business' ,that is the way its done,sounds easy but getting people to help and put their hands in their pockets its a very different thing. what i can say with surety is that if nothing is done ,being on a slippery slope as we are, next to go will be airguns on so called 'public safety' grounds,then they will be looking at the big and small shoots which have already brought attention to themselves,we have all heard of hundreds of birds being landfilled.


what we need is a world class political animal to get this going,someone without baggage and skeletons in the cupboard,some one with the skill to put the passion into the cause that we all feel but do nowt.

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If you dont vote conservative nothing will change.


the ban has affected organised hare coursing and organised fox hunting most


most common lurcher men still course their dogs


if you vote tory it will mean fox hunting and hare coursing might come back in some form, but to appease the metropolitan voter the common lurcher/terrier man will be hammered at every opportunity


the impact on the common man with either be nill or we'll be hunted and penalised more heavily

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They cant let some people hunt some animals and stop other people hunting different animals, its all or nothing on either side, admittedly it will be more regulated if brought back but they cant hunt 1 without the other unless they put it under protection laws.

Edited by berty1
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fish fish , if you go on the website Public Whip , you will see how your mp and every other mp , has voted on this and every vote. Only secret ballots are secret. The countryside alliance is the political lobbyist you are looking for. Cameron has said . . If we are elected we will give parliament the opportunity to repeal the hunting act on a free vote with a government bill in government time . .there will be no watering down or retreat from this and it will be repeated in our election manifesto. When you consider that we often see polls which put public opinion MASSIVELY ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THIS ISSUE it would seem that cameron and the tories have gone out on a limb here to support the hunting community. I have seen figures for supporting the ban on foxhunting quoted at 75% 82% and even 62% of tories. Having not heard any polling from the c a all i can say is their silence speaks volumes. The tories have placed themselves squarely on the unpopular side of this issue and deserve some credit , and our votes.

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Repeal will never come.No matter who is in power
























Greyhound Racing

Trophy Hunting















The League Against Cruel Sports campaigns to stop cruelty to animals in sport.




Boxing Day reminder of the cruelty of hunting

As hunts across the country meet for their 'traditional' Boxing Day get together, the League Against Cruel Sports has hit back at claims that this will be the 'last Boxing Day before the Hunting Act is repealed'.


This Boxing Day we are publishing six short films which show the types of animal cruelty that would return were the Hunting Act repealed.


The League's Chief Executive, Douglas Batchelor, said: "The arguments in favour of repeal simply don't stack up and we believe the public has a right to see what the hunting lobby, and some politicians want to bring back. The truth of the matter is that hunting is barbaric and cruel and the only purpose it serves is to appease the sick minds of a very small minority who enjoy torturing animals for their own entertainment. The footage we are releasing today shows this all too clearly."


To watch the films, click here. http://cruelsports.wordpress.com/2009/12/25/boxing-day/


Please visit the Keep Cruelty History website.




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i just dont get the criticism of the tory party !! Labour will never repeal or reform the act , never. Lobbying , petitioning , protesting to the labour government will have zero effect. Now as much as we all love hunting we are the minority , and public opinion is against us , so for the tories to put this issue front and centre , would lose them more votes than they would gain. Everyone in support of hunting will vote tory , everyone anti will vote labour. What about the other 40+million voters , most would rather go veggie than pull a chickens neck , and every time they are asked they support the ban. Fortunately the economy will be front and centre in the election and this WILL ENSURE a TORY GOVT . . There are many ways that cameron could screw this up . . .and one of those ways is to stand on the rooftops with a dead fox in his hand . . We are the minority . . . 80% support the ban . . Let him get this in under the radar , the more we do to publicise hunting the more damage we do , the mans said he will get it done , now the only thing left to do is vote.

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