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Eating Moles

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  On 26/12/2009 at 11:53, oneshotmacduff said:

Well I did it. I ate the buggers - all 7 of them. The good news is that I am still alive although I'm sending this from my Blackberry. I'm in Ward 4 of Perth Royal Infirmary if anyone wants to pop in for a visit. I'm the bloke in the seclusion room wired up to a number of machines. You won't be able to actually get in the room but you can wave at me through the glass partition. I will wave back if I am still conscious.


Here is how I prepared them. After skinning and gralloching the moles I marinated them for a couple of hours in a mix of Soy sauce and wine vinegar, fresh ginger, garlic, an onion, stick of celery and a bit of rosemary.


Then dried them off and rolled them about in some flour before 'doing' them in a pot of Guiness for about 1 and a half hours. I kept the marinate and used it as a dip. And now from my hospital bed I think this is where I went wrong. I mixed Soy sauce and wine vinegar and it caused a chemical reaction which is what I am sure caused the kidney failure, vommitting and diarhorea.


I would caution against eating moles for the time being until I can get a bit more experimantation done ( provided I survive this)


And in case anyone is interested they tasted nothing like wild boar, more like that urine / dandelion taste you get off a young fox cub.


Chin Chin

Hope you enjoyed them mate,just watch out for any signs of strychnine poisoning,you know the one,it's passed on down the food chain,whatever eats the mole then is eaten by other predators it's highly toxic,i'd say give it a few days and if your still alive then you've been dead lucky,when's your next mole meal?

Higgins :thumbs:

Edited by higgins
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I have been a bit poorly right enough. I am on dialysis just now and I thought it was from eating the moles. We hadn't considered strychnine poisoning. Hasn't strychnine been banned for a couple of years now? Surely there aren't people still using it now as it would be illegal.


I'll not be eating any more moles and I'll stick to eating foxes in future. They're a good tasty bite if you don't mind the smell and provided they haven't been hit head on and flattened to much there's plenty of meat on them and even a cub will do a good dinner for two. An adult will do me for nearly a week.


Chin Chin




Hope you enjoyed them mate,just watch out for any signs of strychnine poisoning,you know the one,it's passed on down the food chain,whatever eats the mole then is eaten by other predators it's highly toxic,i'd say give it a few days and if your still alive then you've been dead lucky,when's your next mole meal?

Higgins :thumbs:

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strychnine attacks the central nervous system, and if you had eaten a mole that had eaten a worm dosed with it, you would be dead. or at best totally f****d.

Mole and fox have to be the two most putrid things possible to eat out of all the tasty wild game we have in this country.... your either a joker or have a stomach lined with rubber!

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Its not strychnine then as my central nervous system still seems to be working although my kidneys have packed up.


You said however that "Mole and fox have to be the two most putrid things possible to eat out of all the tasty wild game we have in this country" My question is how do you know? unless you have sampled the delights of such proper wild food yourself and by proper I mean Moles, Foxes, Badgers. ........and before any of you start telling me that you can't eat badgers because they are protected I am talking about Hungarian badgers which are not and are a national delicacy. As a matter of fact I am reliably informed that the Hungarian badger doesn't tast quite as pishy as its English cousins. Its more of a kind of burnt pumpkin kind of taste but flavoursome nevertheless if cooked properly.


While I am on here can I ask if any of you have eaten hedgehog. Now there is indeed something quite special. The prickles get in your teeth but apart from that it is up there with a freshly snared young fox cub for tenderness and succulence.


My old grandad said during the war if it had a pulse he would eat it si I don't see why we should be any different as we are in a 'war of terror' ourselves if you believe the politicians.


Chin Chin



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  • 11 years later...


Hello! I just came upon this while looking up moles. I think where you may have gone wrong was using the marinade as a dip due to having the raw mole in it prior to you eating it. If you cook the sauce then that would not be a problem. But if you ate it without cooking you exposed yourself to serious problems! Tell me how the story ended! Have you tried it again? And what did your wife say?



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  • 4 weeks later...

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