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Boars in Oz

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A few little ones poking around a feeding station. I use these to help guage what pigs are where on the property.





And the result...that's Suzie with one of hers for the morning. I got seven that day, my best on the place this season.



Another one Mary caught.



Edited by Ned Makim
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(I'll just make the point again that we don't stand around taking photos of dogs on pigs. The photos are the best of hundreds that are shot on the run in to grab the pig. To stand around risks injury

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I should say this whole operation is not about eradication. Eradication is an impossiblity but what is possible is management of numbers so their impact is reduced. I love catching the big boars but the landholder allows me to hunt there on the basis that I kill every pig I come across. Of course he loves to see a big boar go because they are a direct threat to lambs and in some cases adult ewes so I always let him know when I've caught one with wool in its stomach...


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Here's another boar on a game camera. It was coming to a dead cow that had been partally covered by dead branches in prep for burning.



And again, here's the result...



This one made me look like a genius because I had told the cocky about the boar and roughly when he was coming in to the cow. I was sitting with him havin a cup of coffee at 8pm and said I'd better get going because I had an appointment with the boar at about 8.30pm. I went to the area, Mary and Suzie jumped rom the truck on windborne scent and nailed this thing. I was able to use the two-way back to the house at 9.42pm and say I had him. Sometimes it just all works out. Of course the odds of it all working out improve dramatically if you spend a lot of time off your lounge and out in the bush...

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We eat some, dog food most. Some gets left as a bait pile to attract pigs and foxes to an area. I used to hunt for the export market but now it's all about managing specific areas rather than ranging far and widefor big numers.


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  On 02/08/2012 at 14:28, ArchieHood said:

Good to have you back posting again Ned, its been a while.Hope all is well. Any developments on a book?

Likewise Ned, really glad to have you back posting again. I think with your experiences it would be almost rude not to write a book.


All the best



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Thanks for the comments...

Well I have written a book called The Makim Method which is about basic dog psychology with sections on specific pig dog training. I had a bit of an issue with the publisher and it is still sitting in my computer rather than on the shelves...

A surprising number of people (to me) have bought copies of the paper copy that I have just emailed to them and a few others bought copies in folders I have had at dog training days. So it's ot there but the distribution is a bit amateurish ha ha.

Speaking of the dog training days, I've done a few now, the latest had 52 paying customers and was a great day. I get people to bring a couple of dogs I don't know and that are a bit headstrong or hard to handle in some way and I use them to demonstrate what I am saying bout the actual way dogs think rather than how many think they think. Without violence I can get a dog thinking I am its God within about 10 minutes. A real hard headed dog might take 15 minutes. It looks like magic but of couse it isn't and anyone can do it if they are shown and are open to the concept. nce the dog accepts you as absolutely the leader, everything else is a piece of cake.

I went to the US as well on an invitation and spoke and did a demo.

The dog psychology thing is attracting a bit of attention. I never imagined it would lead to an overseas trip but the Americans were very generous and I had a great visit (with a bit of hunting and TV stuff in it as well).

So if any of the people reading this know about publishing or even Ebooks, send me a PM. I need some help with the book. I would also love to come to talk to you guys face to face. There is a good chance I'd learn something from some of your experienced dogmen.


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Just to let you know son Paul is still catching his share, here's a decent boar he got a few days ago down on the flat country.




The action shot taken with an Iphone so not up to the usual clarity.





Edited by Ned Makim
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Some of the keen young ones don't make it past 12 months. But a smart, tough dog will work to seven years and beyond although they are at their peak from about three until five or six IMO. In that period their experience and thei bodies are in sync. They stay wiling until they die of old age but you have to be realistic.


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Got a beauty today. I had seen this boar once before and the landholder had seen him once as well so I have been haunting this particular area of the property in the hope of bumping into hi. Today is ws cold and blowing a gale so I headed for the boa's stomping ground in the hope of finding him lurking deep in a gully in the sun but out of the wind. It was just one of those days when the plan lines up with the reality and we all met up. Mary and Dave the pup jumped from the truck and spooked him out of the gully before stopping him about 600 metres away. I walked, slid and climbed into them and had Trish handy to relieve the two tired dogs. No drama, no njuries and a uge set of tusks on this bloke. Very happy...






Mary in the background in the water hole we all ended up in. It was freezing cold so of course we had to get in the water...



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