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Boars in Oz

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(I'll just make the point again that we don't stand around taking photos of dogs on pigs. The photos are the best of hundreds that are shot on the run in to grab the pig. To stand around risks injury

The APDHA (Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters Association) had its annual general meeting withiun striking range of my place at the weekend and one of my mates (Steve) from had driven 14 hours to the

I'd only have one dog that big. Most of mine are around 3o kgs. As for getting them upset...be almost impossible mate. The whole concept of pig dogs is to have them determined but manageable. You can'

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Sorry for the slow response but I have been run off my feet. The TV show has been filmed. The pigs have been caught, killed and cut up for the Hunt for the Hungry (about 17 tonnes of pork...). And I have to say some of the ladies here are gorgeous...

The people have been incredibly generous to me and I have almost had to fight blokes to pay for anything. Unreal.

I'll get my pix organised when me feet touch the ground again.


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I'm back in Oz and there are many many pix to put up. Caught a few pigs, saw a couple of jagd terriers on a raccoon (big fight that one) and was filmed by the Discovery Channel. And as I said the Texans were incredibly generous people who love hunting with dogs and were more than willing to swap information.

I'm still seven hours from my home but I am in Sydney and my accent is not so unusual any more.

Watch this space for pix...


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  On 14/03/2011 at 23:38, redeye jedi said:

Welcome back Ned, glad you had a good trip. hopefully we'll get to see the action on discovery soon. looking forward to the pix. well done mate. :thumbs:





Ned, have they told you when its likely to be on discovery?


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G'day everyone,

Here's a few pix from my visit to Texas representing Game Council NSW and the APDHA.


Mission River near Refugio (pronounced Refurio). Pigs and alligators...






The Discovery Channel film crew and sundry people who filmed my hosts and I hunting for their show, Hogs Gone Wild.




More to come...

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