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Boars in Oz

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Thanks for the replies fellas.



This is a bit of the video shot at the training event. The pup was lent to me for the demo. It had never been on a lead nor been tied up. You can see how much it wants to do the right thing. It learned from being corrected at a distance on the long lead that the only place it never got corrected was right behind me. Whenever I move it moves by choice because it has accepted that I am the leader of its pack. Anyone can do this stuff and thousands of blokes here already do. It was just a good chance to show people getting into pig dogs the basics. I made the point repeatedly that dogs are not people and don't think like people. They are happiest when there is someone clearly in charge making the decisions and enforcing those decisions. Gives them less to worry about...

At the start of the video the bit cut off is about affection. I was asked if I rewarded the dog for doing the right thing. I said no. If the dog does the right thing, the reward is the negative attention stops. I give affection much later when the dog is just doing the right thing by choice in a calm and relaxed state. If you give affection too early it reinforces the slightly agitated, expectant state the dogs is in after it's been chipped (spoken to firmly).



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(I'll just make the point again that we don't stand around taking photos of dogs on pigs. The photos are the best of hundreds that are shot on the run in to grab the pig. To stand around risks injury

The APDHA (Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters Association) had its annual general meeting withiun striking range of my place at the weekend and one of my mates (Steve) from had driven 14 hours to the

I'd only have one dog that big. Most of mine are around 3o kgs. As for getting them upset...be almost impossible mate. The whole concept of pig dogs is to have them determined but manageable. You can'

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excellant bit of advice you gave there mate :thumbs:


i have done natural horsemanship for a few years and that seems to have snuck in to everything i do with animals and people,it makes sense and works very well. less of the humanisation and more use of the grey matter is what alot of people need when working dogs( dealing with dogs/livestock in general).


good stuff.



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Trial and lots of error mate. My father was into horsesand cattle but he wasn't great with dogs. I was kind of on my own in that regard, no criticism of my father, just different focus. I tried lots of things but after a while I went the way I'm going now...


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I didn't get out this weekend. Got caught up in a bit of a party...


Paul was at the party too but he's got more go than me and got out for a look this morning. All up he got eight. Seven in one of his traps and one little boar in the water.

Only two pigs boxed out of the exercise, a 27kg sow and the boar (42kgs). Boar doesn't look anything much but had a heap of go in him. Put nine holes in Molly the bailer in a hit and run, hit and run escape attempt. Paul put Hannah and Roger's brother BJ on the pig and they all ended up in the water just after dawn. They started on the edge but ended up further out after Paul snapped the photo below. It's cool here ATM so it was not pleasant in the drink...


This is BJ and Hannah on the boar in the cold water. BJ wasn't really necessary but all part of the training...



The boar on the truck but the pix is mainly to show BJ's body. He's a lean mobile type and showing all the good things work wise although still quite a green dog by proper work standards.


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I didn't get out this weekend. Got caught up in a bit of a party...



Lost many good intentions to beer, the only time no :no: means yes :yes: lol


I turn 50 next Sunday and there was a surprise party on Saturday night. Lot of rampaging around...just didn't have the stamina to hunt as well ha ha...

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just spent the best part of an hour reading through this thread and it is definately the best i have ever read on here.

looks like you have some amazing sport over there. i bet the adrenaline rush is extreme.

nice work mate, and very nice dogs.

this guy is a true hunter, a man that really does put his dogs before himself, people could learn a lot from you.


keep the posts coming !! :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::snack::thumbs:

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Good pics Ned

What age did you start BJ on the pigs and whats in his breeding, he looks a fine dog.





Sorry for the slow response. I've been camped away working for yet another week. BJ is by Kevin (RIP) out of Hannah. Kevin I bred from old Butters blood dogs Russell and Cathy and Hannah is Russell's daughter out of a deerhound bully bitch called Milly. The Butters blood dogs went back to whound, eng bully, eng mastiff and dane. But it's a long long time since the first crosses were done. Here they are just called Makim dogs now. Bj was shown pigs at about six months but was slower to come on than some of the others in the litter. He is still green but enthusiastic (and tough)...


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Paul just phoned in last night's results. He got four, three decent boars and missed two other gooduns.

It's a relatively new place given to him by our mate Simon who has moved away. It's not a big place but there's a little feedlot and it's surrounded by bad steep scrub. The pigs come out of the shit country to feed and know their way home when the dogs jump. Paul took Hannah and three of her pups, Suzie, BJ and Del. Molly the bailer is still out of action after getting ripped up on the rough little boar in the creek last week.

Anyway, he and mate Dave hit the property and scored a 66kg (dressed) boar and a 20-odd sow straight up. Top start. The sow he didn't bother keeping, thinking she might not make the box weight. Another paddock and a they spooked a boar that led the dogs for 1.5kms before they pulled him up. He was a rocket this boar and punched some semi serious holes in BJ. He went 56kgs. They missed two more good boars that made their escape into the thick scrub before grabbing a 57 back close to the house. Paul was spewing about the missed boars but said that's the risk with three young dogs on the truck...


Suzie came out of it all without much damage but Hannah, BJ and Del are ripped up and out of action for at least the week and probably a few. Very rough boars in bad country. The young dogs could have done better but caught what they caught and took the punishment without complaint.

Crazy night for our country.


The 66 on the truck, bad shot of his head but he had good teeth. Dogs are BJ and Hannah.




In order from the left are the 56, 57 and 66. Again not a top shot trophy wise but Paul said they had good sharp teeth. Certainly obvious from the damage to the dogs...



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