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we had one all day on saturday, it started to do my head in :blink: i kept seeing it in the corner of my eye dint know if it was a rabbit or ferret on the move,when i got home my daughter showed me a photo on her phone of a robin at her feet,she was well chuffed, it must of been a good year for em

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Hunters companion the robin I talk to them ( :whistling: ) On one permission I can guarantee 4 out of 5 times I get a visit from a particular robin, so now I take a little something for him seeds or whatever. Not got him eating out of my hand yet. Still think it's nice to be visited by the wildlife. Just wish the rabbits were as obliging :laugh:



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They learnt over time that human activity can yield food, through digging etc, have one constant in the garden over summer, and on one ground had one follow all day. Heard somewhere that they adapted, and they used to follow wild pigs etc, as they turn soil over etc. Prefer the blackbirds call when out though.

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I was out last Tuesday and the Robin was checking the leaves when in walked round the holes for grubs etc. I thought it was one of santa's little Robins making checking out if I'd been a good boy????


Can I wish all countrymen and women a brilliant christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year


Pigeon Controller

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They get used to hunters/shooters etc dropping crumbs for them or throwing a corner of a sandwich etc.


Used to have one that came to the cars whenever we parked up to go beating. By the end of the season it would land straight on the mirror and look into the car if you didn't give it crumbs straight away.



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