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I wonder if any of you lads have experience with allotments and locating buries?


I have been asked by a group of allotments to try and sort out the rabbit numbers. The holders are struggling to grow anyhting and can regularly count upward of 10 rabbits on the site at dusk. They won't have any shooting, I'm not into trapping or snaring and so would like to use the ferret. Problem is, I can't find any occupied buries and have only only found a few empty scrapes anywhere near the site. I have walked extensively in about a half mile radius, through some stables, parkland with bankless hedges and river bank and can't find any. How far will they travel?


I took the lurcher down on Saturday and all we found were a few rats, an old fox and a carrion crow that atacked my bitch! Plenty of signs and scent though. I'm a bit clueless really - any advice appreciated.

Edited by Cochyn
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Nearly posertive they will be under the sheds mate as apreviously said but also check the compost heaps fella.They'll not be half a mile away,

If the residents see them at dusk can you not have a look then and see were they bolt to when they see you?


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Thanks lads. I'm going down with the lamp tomorrow night and so should know more by then. The reason I was thrown is that the dog didn't mark anywhere. Also, I can find little trade under the sheds.


For those of you that have done it, what's the best way to ferret a shed or container? I would put a stop net around and hope the rabbit hits it.

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