fireman 11,003 Posted December 30, 2009 Report Share Posted December 30, 2009 Now Glen your'll propebly shoot me down here but ransom and the others to my untrained eye look like they took after scamp with the look of the head on them, i know spike was cerbi's litter bro who was scamps g grandsire but he ain't cerbi. Quote Link to post
AMADORE 5 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 BBB some are a bit snipey,but the majoritys heads are fine.Mine are.If anything some of the males are too big (and they are the ones without any bull in them)In some of the Plummers there is alot of Patterdales.the coalville stuff are very patterdale in shape with a red/white coat.You need to shop around to get the wheat from chaff.There is good and bad in all breeds-the more popular a breed the more the messers come to the breed.Thats life! Dispute this to coalville theroy seeing as they are line bred to stromyboys stuff long nosed fox terrier f1S never seen a paterdale coalville lone yet! total opposite. Joes Billy was just that anything inbred to coalville billy will have white collars keel chests and long noses. And a bad temprement! Quote Link to post
AMADORE 5 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 Opinions vary.My late dog tangle died to ground and was built like a brick outhouse(no bull in him)to be honest was too big really.Hence he did'nt get as much earth work that he'd like.He was cerby breed,and he had a head like a bucket.fireman can vouch for that.Cerby went over a lot of bitches,too many in my opinon,and a variety.some good some not so.Where I live we have a real cross section of Plummers from a variety of lines,and I've dug to most.some you would'nt look twice at but they were terrific earth dogs- such as twinkle and Bliss(twink had perthes,so limped and Bliss had pricked ears).All breeds of terriers have faults,before someone starts slagging um off. There are full time breeders of Plummers churning out a lot of crap,but there are certain breeders pushing out the same in russells,blacks and Lakies (we all know who they are),as the saying goes 2buyer beware",do your homework. quote.OPYMA ...Head like a bucket fireman can vouch for that ! well steve can you!? I was going to use Soloman Tangle bred by mr brown of lancashire over my Wyremead jay but I rejected Tangle at the pennine show due to his leg lenght curly tail thin head and but mainly because he had imnherited his graet gardsires nasty temprement ..infact he went on to bite the judge at that very show. Instead i used his sire wyremead cerby who then produced charile todhunter and a Mr sweets milo both im told made good earth dogs. But both could have done with better heads.Both dogs didnt sire nowt as far as im aware but mr sweets looking for another from, me. Now ...Steve (fireman) True enough about ransum fireman my mistake there spike was cerbys brother and he is directly related to ransum here. But niether spike nor cerby nor tangle had good heads, acceptable just but not the best and all of them had problems it now seems. One thing i must say is that cerby was used to much and over the wrong bitches ..but some peolpe but he has "made" a few kennels! He was bred and retained by me for to his coat pattern (firstly) and easy going nature,(secondly) and retrieving instinct if i hadnt had to get shut later on he would have produved some of the best working and marked plummers ever seen. To regain cerbys blood i had to buy in dumbo (see below) Who though not very well bred(desease wise dams side) did have improve cerbys head and superb nose. Work wise i belive Cerby sired coalville sony who aprently worked well... Wyremead Cerby and Spike made a few kennels . The offspring of both I have in my kennels and they as i said work well for me..and if i wanted to find earth work for them and spend time entering the, then they would work fox well. But franckly i will leave digging foxes to the young boys under 30...who have something to proove, and no job to loose...and of course they will be useing WYREMEAD bred stuff!! Quote Link to post
AMADORE 5 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 (edited) Fireman here we have a spike / cerby decendent wyremead radnor ransums other son out of Dumbos daughter Edited December 31, 2009 by AMADORE Quote Link to post
AMADORE 5 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 (edited) Then we have infintiy bill see countrymans weekly billbo (wyremead alfie x wyremead nancy) by wyremead alfie who was by trenstside barney( coalville wilson(wyrenead cerby bred)cross wyremead winnie who was grandson of cerby All eyes are on Bilbo now! and his half brothers and sisters Edited December 31, 2009 by AMADORE Quote Link to post
fireman 11,003 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 Cheers Glen,i wasn't being picky just saying how i saw it .As for Tangle i thought imo he was a lot better specimen than Bo is and was also a proven working earth dog,as you know my bitch is out of him x coalville sandy and she is all i want work wise in a plummer,maybe not the best conformation wise but i'd rather have a worker i can rely on than a rossette winner.She has cerbi as both grandsire's and may not like i say be the best looking thing and does have a smallish head but what she lacks in physical substance she makes up for it in ability and has entered before and is a long way ahead workwise than my dog plummer.Not knocking like i say just saying how it is,also Tangle bit that judge because the judge squeezed his balls and handled him roughly,i would have cracked the fool as well if he did that to my dog judge or no judge and i don't blame the dog for being like he was. Quote Link to post
poacherman 353 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 how do a lot of people try and slate the plummer dogs. a dont see any of yous guys with a strain of dogs going back over 30 years. the man must have done something right if his dogs are still going about the now. a lot of yous just jump on the band wagon with the rest of the mouths on this site, keyboard hunters who have proberly never seen a good plummer terrier work at first hand. al be honest ave not seen one but a would give one a try. the gamekeeper up at the beat a go to has two wee bitches which he says are handy with the foxes and rats and no complaints. there not still goin about for nothing put it that way. hope u find yourself a good stud dog mate atb poacherman Quote Link to post
steviemann 5 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 Glenn. Don't really want to prolong this BUT: Ransum's son Billy. You've seen pics before. He's getting better each dig. Once quarry's found I can't fault him. But he's a top gun dog and puts to shame all on my syndicate finding and retrieving. Quote Link to post
Big bald beautiful 1,231 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 He was bred and retained by me for to his coat pattern (firstly.... says it all regarding the working plummer then you wonder why i fire off about the breed being f****d wake up smell the coffee, enter the darkside. I know some muppet will stand up and justify breeding from a dog to get a good coat pattern, so im probably still Quote Link to post
gazzer 1 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 He was bred and retained by me for to his coat pattern (firstly.... says it all regarding the working plummer then you wonder why i fire off about the breed being f****d wake up smell the coffee, enter the darkside. I know some muppet will stand up and justify breeding from a dog to get a good coat pattern, so im probably still what you saying BBB ???..........just because he has a particular coat/pattern he'll be no good???? sounds a right crock to me.......if every bloody dog in the land had the same coat it'd be a pretty sad affair dont ya think?.......for some reason you just got a gripe with plummers..feck knows why,they are a terrier,a bloody damn good grafting dog,they look good,are very strong, brave and loyal.....whats your problem with coats forfecksake??? never heard anything so shallow in my life. Quote Link to post
Kate28 22 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 i think the breed is a tidy sporting terrier and they will do me. i think the point B.B.B is making is dogs without perfect coat pattern are and have been over look'd,despite being good in the field ect,now to me that is shallow,the problem is that people wont a plummer to look like a plummer,heavely marked,and its hard to give away shatter'd dogs,sad but true Quote Link to post
Big bald beautiful 1,231 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 Im saying what prick of a dogman uses a stud dog because of its coat pattern... who gives a f**k as long as the dog can work and isnt weedy, who cares if its coats not just right. breeding for coat and colour must be the worse reason to breed is it not... or am i once again missing something Quote Link to post
black/whites 4 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 i cannot understand why some people get so upset when people mention the P word. what is wrong with you people? if you dont like the breed dont get involved with it in any way, shape or form. that includes posting on topics about the breed, when people are asking for advice or information. stick to giving out advice on breeds that you do like. that way any criticism that you give will be constructive. and not just criticism for criticisms sake. obviously there is a lot of people out there that like the breed, and i also think that there is a lot of jealousy from owners of other breeds, otherwise we wouldnt have all the empty heads commenting on the breed at every available oppertunity. these people know who they are. we all do, the ones that have the most to say. otherwise why would you be so vocal on a breed that means nothing to you, wouldnt you just ignore the posts that concern this breed Quote Link to post
oyama 27 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 Hiya Glenn.Well 1st thing Tangle is dead and the reason he went for the judge was that the judge was bouncing dogs by their tails,and the judge upset a fair few dogs on the day.As for Coalville stuff they work belong ground and give there all.I've got three and have no compliats.As for all the componets of various Plummers that have a certain coat or a thin chest etc, that is not really of interest on a working site.Half the stuff you said I have'nt got a clue about.Most lads on this site are just interested about dogs working.all this talk about confirmation is of interest to those only who breed to win shows with KC judges. As for Cerby I liked the old boy,and I saw him work. Quote Link to post
Cleanspade 3,324 Posted December 31, 2009 Report Share Posted December 31, 2009 if i wanted to find earth work for them and spend time entering the, then they would work fox well. thats a very nieve statement and says a lot to me. i know lads with good unbroken lines of proven earthdogs that arnt that confident. and they wouldnt dream of breeding for coat or colour. as for you sitting in your ivory tower whilst lesser mortals do the footwork. . i'm with BBB. your on the wrong forum although good luck with the wyremead publicity machine. its rolling along nicely Quote Link to post
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