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use a locator !

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heres a perfect example for using a locator, yesterday we did a big hedge that ended with a big open bury, the ferrets worked their socks off all day,we were on the last bury,when my mate was looking a little worried,his small jill hadn't shown for ages and she had not got a collar on,we had a few rabbits to dig to so we thought she had laid up and we would find her,but after 3 and half hours no sign of her,worst of all we had bolted a few big rats and thought she had met her match and been killed,when darkness fell we had to make the decision to leave her and return in the morning :sick: ,we had left food for her in different places just in case,i got a call this morning saying that he had found her :clapper: his hob went straight to her and he was wearing a collar,she was stuck up a stop end with a dead big buck blocking her in,moral of the story is dont leave yer collars in yer bag get it on YER FERRET ! :thumbs:

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  On 20/12/2009 at 14:49, moosa said:

Will a ferret slip out of a collar?

What is the best method to keep them on?

Glad she was found by the hob.



do them up tight enough

to many people put them on, thinking they are strangling the fert, and they then slip the collar, best way is to put the collars on in the hutches, take a look 3 or 4 hours later and see if they are still wearing them, if not, make another hole and go tighter, untill you can return to the hutch and still find collared ferts, if the fert goes blue, the collar IS too tight

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  On 20/12/2009 at 14:49, moosa said:

Will a ferret slip out of a collar?

What is the best method to keep them on?

Glad she was found by the hob.

yes mate ferrets can slip collars if they arnt put on right just make new holes in the collar and see which 1 suits your ferret just make sure it cant come of there head with out choking it and if the collar turns round its neck then down the hole it goes :thumbs:
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I collar them up before i leave the house put them on the floor for a bit and if they dont slip the collar thats usually tight enough but when i get to the farm i check them again as i think the leather collars heat up and could work loose after being in the box on a ferret for a while

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''Will a ferret slip out of a collar''


I find that if you can slip a finger under the coller, the ferret can slip out it.

Do them up as tight as you can (whilst still being comfortable to the ferret).


With regards to multiple collers, the reciever can pick up as many collers as you have, but i had a dig a few weeks back where 3 ferrets were at it, and the locator was picking up some interference, making location tricky(Its an mk3 with pinpoint thing). I work 6 collers together with no problems. :thumbs:

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Yes matey, work multiple collars on same box. :thumbs:

I have 7 collars , clicking/knocking noise, (whatever you want to call it), is different tone to each collar, so if you know what ferret has specific collar you know where he/she is from the others :victory: .

All i need is rabbit holes now as the ones we've got at the moment have gone vacant!!!! :thumbdown:


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A ferrets head is bigger than its neck, just keep tightning the collar until it wont fit over the ferrets head when its wearing it, and you should be ok, I've also had a ferret blocked in on a stopend by a rabbit it had killed numerous times :thumbs:

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