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adjustable scope mount

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hey people this is my first post.


would very much appreciate any advice given.


i have a smk19-18 springer with a smk 4x40 scope. my problem is that i cannot zero it as it runs out of adjustment.

i have been looking around the net for adjustable mounts but would like some help.

i have come across sportsmatch, b-square and rws c mount and the nikko stirling.

first question; the rifle top is rounded and i think this is called dovetail right?? dont want to order the wrong shape.

second; 1 piece or 2piece mount?


im going to stick to 4x40 scopes. maybe 3-9x40, non licensed rifles and maybe in the future go for a pcp rifle.

again any recommendations would be good


cheers jerome

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hi buddy

as wuzzy has said shimming is your best bet :thumbs: ,i had it not so long a go and used tin foil to to it with.and sorted my problem :thumbs: !


all you have to do is remove the two top mounts,and take your scope! off. and on the under side of the scope, fill with the desired material "usally at the back end of the scope",The ocular lens is the lens closest to your eye!. and put a few layers of foil under the back end of the scope! for elevation (this was in my case!)

and re-zero and this should be job sorted! or you could use a piece of DPC if you know any bricklayers! also known to work well?

i hope this has helped!





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thanks for the replies guys.


its always shooting too low. with the adjustment all the way up, its still shooting about 2" under!

i did cut up some cans to use as shims, 4 in the end and was still shooting low and i didnt want to add any more than that.

i was only about 15yards away and been told it needs time for the pellet to rise but am i right in thinking theres still a problem here?


cheers for the help

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you need to get onto a 30yrd range or a field and get a target out to 30 yrd to zero you might find that because your so close that you would need hold over due to the pellet being on its way up but not reached its peak,it depends what your rifle is pushing ftlbs wise and what weight of pellets your using ,when you know these figurs you can calculate your 2 zero point,s one might be 10yrd and the other 30yrd,but if you have access to a chrono download chairgun and you can do the maths :thumbs: and find out if your scope needs more shims or less or maybee lower mounts :thumbs:

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