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I'm no grass boy. as by the spelling you must have your misses writing this.


I have the texts on my phone to prove all what you said so be a good boy and please leave me alone. Iv'e had more than enough of you this year.

you are [bANNED TEXT] 10 pups lol txts more liyes. me tipeing like i sed end of tell you what theres a coper on a bullx tred geting some asell you and him have a chat with all my pics you nicked of here to help sell the pups out of that shit black bitch you run over

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c'mon lads...get a room! its a about whippets not chewing eachothers balls!!!

sorry pal he should be baned this is the reeson there is so much shit out there.




I used your dog, So much shit out there!!!!!!, You have got that right. They all came out with crap feet i supose thats what you get for mating brother and sister. You didnt tell me that until after. Caled is the result of a brother and sister mating.


Have a good new year

Edited by sh 08
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c'mon lads...get a room! its a about whippets not chewing eachothers balls!!!

sorry pal he should be baned this is the reeson there is so much shit out there.




I used your dog, So much shit out there!!!!!!, You have got that right. They all came out with crap feet i supose thats what you get for mating brother and sister. You didnt tell me that until after. Caled is the result of a brother and sister mating.


Have a good new year



went out with you three time my old bitch over 9 had a bunny caled and molly had bunnys what your bitch get fek all cos it would not run most of them youv nicked all the picks of my dogs with good bags of bunnys sore you now what thay get key bord kid :boogie:

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the blue whippet in photo ( IN MIDDLE OFF PICTURE ),,,would take roe,,,,


her name was bess 36 lber out of midnight boy x bally storm,,,,,i know she,s not kc,,,,but it does take a GOOD whippet type to take bigger game ,,,,theve either got it or they dont,,,,,,,,,,,,sadly i gave this whippet to an old lady ,,,who,s dog got run over and wanted a whippet type,,,


,and my brother,s still to this day,,,,,,,, give me stick FOR THIS,,for her hunting abbilitiy,,and her bend racing abbillitiy


,,,,but hey, but i had 3 dogs,,old lady had nothing,,she got a brillant home , at end off day,,SHE GOT A REALLY GOOD HOME,,,BUMPED INTO HER FEW YEARS LATER,,OWNER,S WERE STILL OVER THE MOON,,,,I WASNT I WANTED TO STEAL HER BACK :laugh::laugh:




Edited by whip x grey
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