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Last time i had less than 50 in a day was about 4 seasons ago.

But i mainly bolt to the gun, and work on large estates.

If i was ferreting with nets close to home i would be lucky to get 10. I travel anything from half an hour to 3 hours to get amongst them.


ya my parents wouldn't bring me that far!

5 of my spots are only a 5- 15 minutes drive! i walk most of the time!

ye have to get permission and all that in england dont ya?

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It all depends where you are ferreting as well. Last season, on the permission i worked on, i was averageing 30 rabbits a morning. On a full day, which was very tireing we were clearing 70 rabbits..( here the warrens were anything from 50 holes to over 150... The best from one warren was 16. I actually sat on the hillside and counted 15 drop to ground)


Our permission this year which we are working, the average is 15 to 20 in a 4 to 5hr session....


Locally (near to home) 6 would be a good days ferreting....


ya if i had a car i could travel but im stuck locally till then!

couldnt be carryin more then 10 rabbits home anyway!

what do you do with 70 rabbits??

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have to admit we rarely go into double figures, 8 or 9 seems to be the norm, like most we don't take it to seriously either, we'ld probably get more if we stopped nattering to each other, we're not the quietest of ferreters.


Luke, i'm a Belfast man and theres still plenty of spots within walking distance were you can pick a couple of rabbits up.

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have to admit we rarely go into double figures, 8 or 9 seems to be the norm, like most we don't take it to seriously either, we'ld probably get more if we stopped nattering to each other, we're not the quietest of ferreters.


Luke, i'm a Belfast man and theres still plenty of spots within walking distance were you can pick a couple of rabbits up.

ya? are there many lads around you that would be at the rabbits aswell where ye go?

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It all depends where you are ferreting as well. Last season, on the permission i worked on, i was averageing 30 rabbits a morning. On a full day, which was very tireing we were clearing 70 rabbits..( here the warrens were anything from 50 holes to over 150... The best from one warren was 16. I actually sat on the hillside and counted 15 drop to ground)


Our permission this year which we are working, the average is 15 to 20 in a 4 to 5hr session....


Locally (near to home) 6 would be a good days ferreting....


ya if i had a car i could travel but im stuck locally till then!

couldnt be carryin more then 10 rabbits home anyway!

what do you do with 70 rabbits??


The main bulk of rabbit go to the butchers, where i trade them for dog food, so the butcher is happy, my dogs are happy and the cutomer is happy, 3 birds with one stone.. Some are frozen also for dog food... At the moment i am struggling to bring enough in for the demand of the butcher. He is getting bombarded with orders now word is out that they sell them...

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Most i got was 20 started at 8.30 and finished at 4.00 average 10 0r 12. No large warrens on my land just small rabbit warrens here and there, rely on the terrier to find them rarely would there be more than 3 rabbits in the one burrow cant use nets if i wanted too brambles and thorn to thick

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Last season 20-25 average, this season averaging 5-10 if lucky. Very annoying when you wait all summer and theres not much about.


One permission last year was littered with rabbits, litterally infested. This year there is still a few but not large numbers. Havent seen any mixy there either, I was wondering about that RHD? if that could have done it?





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