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crowing on..

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Went out this morning after some pigeons for a casserole, watched them all flock to feed about 250m from me across an open rape field, blatantly ignoring my beautifully placed decoys (now looking pathetic) and with no cover for a sneak up.


Having tripped on branch and taken yet another gouge out of the stock of my HK 77 by dropping it on a large flint, I was about to sulk off home when rustling in a mistletoe covered oak at the far side of the spinny I was holed up in, caught my attention.


Adjusting the focus of the scope to 35 yds from 25 for non participating pigeons, I saw that it was a big fat crow, being that I'm a corvid virgin, it seemed only too greater chance to pass.


I waited for what seemed like an eternity to get a clear shot, then, just as the weight of 'big birtha' (weighed at 12lbs with sight, 12.5lbs with lamp)was about to cause me to loose sight picture, I got a good hold. Gently squeezing the trigger through stage one, let out half a breath and POP, 'Big Birtha' showed why I should take more care of her and I'm no longer a corvid virgin! The crow was dead before it left the tree, hardly a twitch of a nerve on the ground. I was delighted!


I'll try again tomorrow if I can get out and after that casserole, snow permitting. In the mean time if anyone can explain to a three year old how to post photos, I'm keen to learn!


Congratulations to Luke for his two crows and for posting photos, apparently my photos are to big!!

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Great shooting, just goes to show you never know whats oming round the corner!!!


Reducing photo size:

Right click the photo you would like to reduce in size

Select Properties, this will show you the acual size.


Right click AGAIN the photo you would like to reduce in size

Select Edit, this should open the photo in MSPaint


Select Image, then Stretch and Skew

Depening on how much you need to reduce it by enter 50% in both the Horizontal and Vertical boxes, select OK.


As you will see the photo has reduced in size.


Select Fie, then Save As.., name it.

This will save a copy of your photo, keeping your original.


Then you can check the size gain using Properties EG.

Right click the photo you have just saved

Select Properties, this will show you the acual size.


Repeat the above until the photo is the size required. If you go too far just amend the Horizontal and Vertial boxes to over 100% EG 120% this will enlarge the photo.


Sounds complicated but it's quite simple once you've done it once or twice. Hope this helps.



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well done mate, I once stood under a corvid tree that they were flying around and landing in, with no camo or cover and shot 3 dead before they decided enough was enough and flew away - I love it when you shoot one they go mental and fly around making noise.


Also for your photo uploading, I use photobucket, its free, you upload your pics then click on 'share' and copy the link for forums into your HL post - easy as that.

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Thanks Andy, here goes nothing! Wuzzy, I'd love to download Gimp but wife would be concerned!!post-43460-126108906374_thumb.jpg


try reasoning with her, just exsplain it's merely the name, then for warn 'you may be a bit tied up' till you suss it out sniggers.(gimp wont do RAW files...lol).

Edited by ghillies
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