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Georgesco fox caller

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Hello Group


Does anyone have any idea where I can buy a Georgescu fox caller. It looks like two razor blades welded together with a hole on one side. They are normally gold plated so you can't taste the metal as they sit in your mouth and you blow through it. They are made in Australia where Georgescu is based.

I had one years ago and it was excellent in bringing the fox close enough for a shot. I have tried to find one for a couple of years and even at the Scone Palace Game fair I couldn't find any of the stalls who had them.

Any help on finding one gratefully received.

Many Thanks.


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Hello Group


Does anyone have any idea where I can buy a Georgescu fox caller. It looks like two razor blades welded together with a hole on one side. They are normally gold plated so you can't taste the metal as they sit in your mouth and you blow through it. They are made in Australia where Georgescu is based.

I had one years ago and it was excellent in bringing the fox close enough for a shot. I have tried to find one for a couple of years and even at the Scone Palace Game fair I couldn't find any of the stalls who had them.

Any help on finding one gratefully received.

Many Thanks.



I bought one yrs ago mate and the video I could never get the f*****g thing to work and all the foxes went in the opposite direction. Cost me £26 I think... :wallbash: pm me your addy and I'll post it to you for nowt...hardly used...and it's gold :thumbs:

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sportsman guncentre sell them but there white not gold like the andre georgescue one ive got one and there good i havnt call in a fox yet with it but i have called in magpies.

So they are no good for FOXES then, or have you just used it for magpies... Funny i have a call for magpies but have not called in a mgpie yet with it, i have called in Foxes with it !!!

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You wont call a fox this time of year , they are all sexin it up....as for magpies use a dead one 1st they flock around it, i had 6 in a hour the other morning..Rapid 7 :notworthy: ,


A bud used broken glass form a windscreen scattered on a shed roof, seems to work well too ! they love to nosey at the gissenin glass.. :icon_eek::gunsmilie:

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