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Really cold, but no snow or rain


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Thinking of goin this sunday, my local forecast is 1-2 degrees celcius but dry, as good a day as any to go?


I doubt I'll see many squirels in this cold but I'm thinking a few pigeon/magpie decoys maybe, will the rabbits pop out do you think?


Also anyone have any experience of shooting in the snow? That would be interesting so i'm gunna give that a go when I get chance aswell, went out when it was bucketing down the other week and bagged a woody so i'm not put off by bad weather.


What are experiances?

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I spent the latter part of yesterday on my small Paddock permission.


Mainly to check zero after I had to take the air cylinder off to get inside and dry the gun off properly after I got caught in a torrential downpour.


Bunnies were out despite the freezing temps (I put 5 pellets on each other in the zero card, but missed every sodding bunny I took aim at (I'll put it down to the cold extreme :whistling: ).


I am looking forward to some snow shooting as they will be easier to spot :gunsmilie:



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i love shooting in the snow! me and a mate went out with the full moon in the snow we took the lamp out but ended up ditching that as we could siluette the rabbits easily. they do come out where i am. its also an ideal time to pick spots to lie out from as you can spot paw prints and shit really easily.

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I put 5 pellets on each other in the zero card, but missed every sodding bunny I took aim at (I'll put it down to the cold extreme :whistling: ).


that really pisses me off when that happens!


Not as much as it did me :no:


I fired at three bunnies, 1st I don't know how the :censored: I missed :icon_redface:


2nd bunny ducked and I saw the pellet go just over its head :thumbdown:


3rd bunny I aimed at was munching and as I fired, it put its head up :wallbash:


Tell you if they had beards, he would have had a very close shave indeed.


Thinking of going out later if the fog stays away, I need me a bunny so I can slit its guts for the Corvids and then pop a few of them off as they try to gobble em up. :crazy:



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roll on sunday, saturday is hide building and then sunday is shooting, were using decoys as well as it's really open, a tough permission all flat and the rabbits go as soon as they sense you. havent shot there for months!

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