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Meet Roxy

Guest falconeru.k01

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Guest falconeru.k01

This is roxy our 8 yr old female steppes now strong on the wing after moulting, Shes waiting for first kill of season entered on rabbit . flying strong at 7lb need her on kill getting frustrated as missed couple today that took cover to quick.




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Guest falconeru.k01
  Fletcher said:
Thats one bird I wouldn't want to see frustrated. :good:



Its a case of getting in showing no fear even im shitting it rearly, I throw bit of food away & normaly will come of the kill, she never foots me just pecks sometimes its just a eagle thing. She reminds me of the misses moody cow!! :D

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Guest falconeru.k01

she was brought from a centre that didnt take best of care from her & my friend brought her, As for around your face this seems to be case in vultures & eagles , A friend who,s more of expert in eagles think some body, robbed her of food at sometime. I have seen few behave like this & our male steppe can some times behave simular. She,s no problem just give her that little more respect.

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Guest falconeru.k01
  miles said:
Wil she take Hare? Got some wide open permission in N Lincs if ur interested?


she is capable of taking hare but the flat land is not suited for her , Im trying to get permission up on lincolnshire wolds to get her some lift . I have been flying of a hill lately to a drag lure & is responding well .

she wont be no good on flat open ground its hard work for her, For a steppes she is well switched on & very responsive normally find the bloody things on a carcass :angry: Are you in Lincs??

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For a steppes she is well switched on & very responsive normally find the bloody things on a carcass


carrion :diablo: what there made for :icon_eek: but have some potential [bANNED TEXT] not much but i do like the evil look in there eyes :diablo: keep posting on sucsess i like to hear it ;)



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  falconeru.k01 said:
  miles said:

Wil she take Hare? Got some wide open permission in N Lincs if ur interested?


she is capable of taking hare but the flat land is not suited for her , Im trying to get permission up on lincolnshire wolds to get her some lift . I have been flying of a hill lately to a drag lure & is responding well .

she wont be no good on flat open ground its hard work for her, For a steppes she is well switched on & very responsive normally find the bloody things on a carcass :angry: Are you in Lincs??

No im in Lancs,the guy who has the estate on the coast also has a place in the wolds.Never been up there as its to stoney for the dogs.Had some great sport last year on the open land on the coast.We were running pure salukis with gyr/saker and a stunning pure feamale gyr.Going again in a few weeks :D

Edited by miles
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Guest falconeru.k01

These are more difficult to get hunting as they feed of carrion but capable of rabbit etc . My male steppes had no intrest in hunting but this female is looking promising.she has taken the odd rabbit .

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