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plummer terriers

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Thanks stormyboy

, he has a small diamond of white on his fur so hasnt the correct coat pattern for a real plummer :clapper:

was told this and was told not to breed from him as it could be passed on.

i suppose the fox can see it shineing out in the darkness of a set, how stupid was i, i should have shot the dog at 8 wks old

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Generally they are ok to keep as long as you do work them to some degree 'even if that is just regular long walks in the country etc', otherwise they may be very hyper around the house and even if worked they can still be hyper. Ok with other dogs but ideally kenneled seperately outside if not supervised as they can fight badly.

Training is ok but may ned a firm hand and consistency...the yare very good with kids...


after all this they are terriers known for their tenacity and can be hard work but no more than any other terrier breed.


i got a plummer as i was told they were a bit more bidable than a patt/fell..easier if you already have other pets etc..but it is a generallity..



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plummers are cracking dogs :thumbs: , but i to don't see alot of them, the keeper near me has one but thats the only one i know of :thumbdown: look forward to the pics




loads around here,

Big Bald and Beautifuls dog has been in his fair share of scraps whith Mr fox

Edited by Donnylad
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Thanks stormyboy

, he has a small diamond of white on his fur so hasnt the correct coat pattern for a real plummer :clapper:

was told this and was told not to breed from him as it could be passed on.

i suppose the fox can see it shineing out in the darkness of a set, how stupid was i, i should have shot the dog at 8 wks old

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: At least he hasn't got the dreaded white slash across his backside!! Definitely a no no!

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Have to admit to not knowing a lot about plummers as I was always led to beleive that although they were great ratters they didn't cut it below ground.Reading this thread and others on here I'm starting to think I've been misled :o .

Cracking looking dogs you've got between you guys a credit to all of you.


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I'd always been lead to believe they were for Ratting/Bushing and tended to stay above ground unless on a really hot scent? They'll always a few that will be happy to go to ground but that's not what they were bred for is it?


I was tempted to get one for this very reason plus their cracking looking dogs, I do almost all of my hunting along hedges or in Spinney's/copse and don't want to have to carry spades etc. with me everytime I let the Terrier off.


If they do go to ground, do they generally bolt the foxes or work it to an end stop for digging?

Would they kennel well with male or Female Bull breeds?

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ive had plummers for a while now and also pat's and russells, and ive heard it all, you cant breed a consistant line of earth dog, probably very true ive not got the sport or time to enter a kennel full,but all i can say is there are plenty of pats ect that dont make the grade from the very best lines.


one of my plummers self entered at 10 months and had a good few digs but was inconsistant, but the lad that has him now is getting a good few fox's with him.


my old bitch ivy didnt enter till 16 months and id all but given up on her, but she's turn'd out to be the best terrier iv own'd and she can find vermin everywhere, but she can take some stick and her temprement is hot to say the least,my experience with the breed is they have a fantastic nose,good voice on sent,can be hot tempered jealous hunters,some more than others,very intelagent,the sharpest ratters ive seen[iv seen as good but nothing better in other breeds]


i think one of the problems is we expect to much to early from are dogs, dogs that enter early set the bench mark.







ps im not out looking for fox's every week,but as a general all round sporting terrier they do me




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