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good news

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Last saturday I was boozing in a bar taking the dog along. I met a cultural antropologist who did a lot of research in Ethiopia, Erithrea and Sudan recently and she said that the saluki types ("non feathered greyhounds") are still popular and much used for hunting by the arab tribes that migrated into these regions (and who cause trouble/war with the "normal black population").

I might be able to persuade her to get me some pictures and maybe she'll allow that I put one or more on the forum...can't promise though...



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Same bitch at about 19 months when she caught 11 out of 11 blue hares last year, her first season.




I posted these before but I've stuck them up again just for Lennard.


P.S. Lennard if you see your cultural anthropologist again you should tell her about the culture thats under threat right here at home. White people have culture too. :good:

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I have a copy of the 'Saluki' videos by Sir Terence Clark and on this he says that the arabs call all their dogs 'Slougies' and not 'Saluki's'. From this am i correct in assuming that the Saluki and the Sloughi are the same breed, only split by western K.C regulations???

Lovely looking bitches (Willow) and her mother there Bolio. The father to the dogs i'm running now was of a simular stamp to your dog (Willow).


All the best Tommy

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Well here's my opinion, for what it's worth. I think the different dialects across the vast range of the desert coursing dog accounts for the saluki/sloughi/slugi thing. Westerners who brought back examples of each strain then tried to emphasize subtle differences in order to lay claim to a unique breed and therefore add value to their own particular "exotic" breed. After years of selective breeding for a certain type, the dogs have diverged into distinct phenotypes, in the same way that the show greyhound has diverged from his racing cousin. The closer we can get to the desert breds, which were selected for nothing other than hunting prowess, the better they will suit inclusion in lurcher production.

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" P.S. Lennard if you see your cultural anthropologist again you should tell her about the culture thats under threat right here at home. White people have culture too"


Yeah I know...and you know what, the UNESCO is going to put falconery on the world cultural heritage list!


Good for them, but what about coursing and 5000 or so years of dog genetics?!




The f*cking government just has the monopoly on "animal cruelty" aye...mass cruelty is legal as long as it is profitable aye?!...but this was a thread on sloughis and about good news.



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