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Ferret finder wich is best to have mk1 or mk3


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ive just got a mk3 struggled to use it at first but now ive got the hang of it its great


Hi all i am dieing to get a ferret finder but im stuck on wich

one to get and id like some expert advice :thumbs: is the mk1 8ft finder better than the mk3 16ft finder also which is easyer to use lol thanks :thumbs:

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I have and use both mate and I do love and actualy prefer my mk1 knocker box as its easy,honest and you can use it with any collar regardless of which mark or depth but the mk3 is a great peice of kit.

If you are purchasing one now you have to bear in mind that the mk1 is now very old and you can no longer have them calibrated by Deben and more and more of them are slipping out of calibration so unless you can find one cheap the mk3 has to be the sensible answer.

Hope this helps


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With out a doubt it is definitely the MK3. The MK1 gets intercepted by electric fences, power lines etc. MK3s are easy to use, but you just have to have a dedicated read through the instructions.



I've used a mk1 for most season weekends for the past 15 or more years and never had a problem with interferance and just because you prefer the mk3 dosn't mean your right fella.

Calm down


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I will do mate the only problem is to find one

now there was one on here but i ws to slow

dont suppose u no anyone who wants to sell one

thank's mate


To be fair mate I would suggest your best bet is e-bay fella.you can get em new with a collar for about £150 and with two collars for £188 I think.But if I hear of a second hand one mate I'll let you know bud.


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