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feeding dogs how mant times a day

Guest rabbiting dave

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Guest rabbiting dave

just wondering how many times you lads and lasses feed your dogs a day do you give them breakfast if so what and do you ever give them tea to drink I only feed mine once about 6 in the evening but if im going out just give them a bit little earlier and would you feed them more often if they are working more atb dave

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Guest rabbiting dave

Once a day in the evening then occasionaly nothing on a saturday

I can remember years ago one of my family members did that with there dogs every know and again they would miss a day of snap is there any reason for it mate atb dave

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Twice a day, main meal after our morning walk (at least an hour after of course) and once after we eat about 7.30 ish. That's the only way I can fit in the 2 hours after eating before exercise and it means it's unlikely to be too far from the normal meal times of any foster dogs which arrive. Plus a few biscuits in the morning to keep Fly's blood sugar up before exercise and a pig's ear or bone last thing to calm her down for the night.


As dogs in the wild wouldn't make a kill every day some people fast their dogs for a day every so often, the wolves at the deer centre in St Andrews are only fed 6 days a week for the same reason. It's not something I personally do, but there's nothing wrong with it. I wouldn't recommend it for a pup though, anyway most bitches would move heaven and earth to get something (even if its something small) for their pups so it would be less likely to happen in the wild.

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