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Time to march

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Well ladies and gentlemen I've just got off the phone to the head of press at BASC. A nice chap with time to help, here's his advice......


A march would be best served after the election due to so many MP's standing down across the parties. This means we would only be protesting to MP's on their way out not in so are inclined to do nothing. So the time of the march would be after 10/06/2010 at the latest


Write letters to all local MPs and up-coming candidates asking their views on hunting, state your views on the letters. Request a reply, the more mail in their boxes the more they feel pressured to do something. There will be a site which will have all candidates names on and their constituencies so letters can be fired off when this is ready.


Conservatives if they get in may offer what is known as a free vote on the act, this is why we must pressure the local MPs with letters to make them hear as it is they who will be voting.


Just to add....


This government have banned;


the right to unauthorised demonstration in the capital. A woman was bundled off a couple of weeks ago for reading out (quietly) the names of the war dead outside parliment. She was charged under the prevention of terrorism ACT.


The right to have a go slow was also banned on all of Britains roads after the truckers fuel protests.


We will have too liaise with the police to arrange times, routes and dates which will be vetted and sanctioned or referred for changes.


If they don't like it they produce an act that rides over us roughshod AND WE ALLOWED IT :cry:


I've got a load more info and things that need to be done before this gets off the ground and so does every single person who wants to march get those letters fired off now and later.




At last a voice of reason , a march would achieve little , and a badly organised march with no police liaison and poor turn out will hinder rather than help the cause. A march would help us vent our frustration , make us feel better maybe , make us feel like we had done something. . .but as regards changing legislation ,it would be like trying to smash a brick with a feather. IF YOU WANT TO DO SOMETHING VOTE , GET REGISTERED ,GET MATES REGISTERED , CAMPAIGN ,LOBBY , GET INVOLVED IN THE PROCESS INSTEAD OF JUST CRITICISING IT. . Its the only thing that can help ,and its up to us

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