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bitains got talent and beyond.

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Drums had been made and tuned,air guitars tuned,bogroll trumpets assembled ,now for a name one was decided on it had to be 'death axe' as 'death axers' was unavailable on account of a black metal band from Norway already had it.

Hours were devoted to the practice needed for BGT,stopping only briefly for wagon wheels and fizzy drink. before anyone realised it was tea time, mum was calling.

Hurriedly the 4 brothers told of their exploits and what a fab band ,nay,rock group they had. smiles all round and food eagerly eaten,all was good in the world,fame a certainty,winning BGT a foregone conclusion despite not actually applying,the silence was broken when,over the sprouts,Robin announced that in fact the band should be called 'death axe fart'.Jack exploded,the pressure too much,and yelled 'its my damn band and what i say goes,its called 'death axe' and that's it final' ,that was it full on argument ensues 3 on1,2 on 2 ,it was savage peas flew pheasant fell to the dogs ,then the spoons came out ,a pause,and dad interjects with the most unhelpful comment 'common lads it used to be all about the music but its all gone commercial......'

and so a rock ledgend was dead before it made it big,no first platinum,no first on kerrang,no first play on Radio 2,no world tour,no come back tour.dreams smashed. so was the day for Robin 10,jack 8 ,ben 5 and charlie 3. still not long till christmas hey ho!

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