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Went for a mooch this afternoon....

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Went out for a few hours today, got to the Mushroom Farm and after half an hour the only marking he did was around the bailer. There was no chance of getting at any of the ones in there so we carried on.


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At the rear of the buildings Bilbo started to show an interest. He started to dig and mark in a patch of overgrown grass and rubble. After moving a large stone I could see a tunnel underneath. Bilbo started to rip at the surrounding grass and I went back to the car to get the spade.


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I got back to find Bilbo trying to swallow a rat whole. He must have dug it out himslef in the time it took me to get the spade. He lost interest in that area after that so we got the shotgun out and went for a walk with that.


As we walked along the track, next to one of the drainage ditches Bilbo found a hole heading off the track and itno the ditch. He headed along the side of the ditch to check it out and found a few more holes in the bank. As he was showing interest in one hole near the track a rat flew out of a lower hole and into the water. Bilbo saw it but stopped short as it submerged and swam across the 3 foot ditch. Bilbo couldn't quite work that out! When it reappeared on the other bank he set off after it but it had too much head start and he lost it.


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We went back up to the field and had a walk around the perimeter. We got to the bottom end and I let bilbo have his head, he ran for the corner of the field and into the next one. He was momentarily out of my sight, and a second after he disappeared a large rabbit ran out from where he had vanished to, Bilbo was close on its heels but the rabbit seemed to find another gear and accelerated away. I didn't think Bilbo stood a chance, but within 20 yards or so he started to close the gap. He chased it for some 75 yards caught it. He struggled with its size a little bit. It all happened so quickly that I didn't even get the gun up, not that a safe shot would have been possible.


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We carried on the walk but nothing else of note happened. A great couple of very cold hours!!

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cheers...certainally hope to, he is only 12 months now and there are a few foxes about [he picked up a scent whilst we were out] i am sure it wont be long now....not going to rush it though!!!



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cheers...certainally hope to, he is only 12 months now and there are a few foxes about [he picked up a scent whilst we were out] i am sure it wont be long now....not going to rush it though!!!



Sencible bloke :thumbs: Look after him now mate and he'll hopfully he'll lookafter you for years to come fella.

Good luck mate


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