sibaldib 6 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 I bought and received this video last week and watched it straight away. Before doing a review I thought it only fair to watch it again so that I kept any inaccuracies in the review to a minimum. This DVD was put together by Simon Pittaway (aka “Zini†on the THF forum) and is an amateur production. Simon did not have the benefit of pro video/sound equipment and largely filmed himself, having set up everything beforehand on a tripod. Not the easiest way of doing things, but in this case surprisingly successful. The video is well edited and comprises of six main sections, namely: 1) Zeroing your gun 2) Shooting vermin 3) Gutting and skinning a rabbit 4) Trapping and snaring 5) Plucking and breasting a wood pigeon 6) Ferreting with the lads. 1) Zeroing your gun. In this section we see Simon using various air rifles and hitting the bull at 30 metres. Although this is impressive, I was a little disappointed that he did not show how to get the scope set up in the first place and a rough zero sorted out, and then show how to get pinpoint accuracy. If a DVD of this sort is to appeal to beginners as well as seasoned shots I think details like this ought to be included. Within this section Simon also shows some of the equipment he uses and this was a very informative part and well worth including. 2) Shooting Vermin. This is where Simon is in his element and we see his undoubted skill in taking rabbits, crows, magpies and squirrels well in excess of 40 metres. He shows his enthusiasm by his unbridled excitement every time he pulls of one of these stunning shots. 3) Gutting and skinning a rabbit. Self explanatory really and Simon can obviously do this with his eyes shut, but again well worth including in the DVD, particularly for people who haven’t done it or seen it done before. 4) Trapping and Snaring. In a way this was one of the best sections of the DVD. Simon is clearly proficient in the use of traps and in particular Mk4 Fenn traps. We see his success in trapping numerous squirrels and he also shows some homemade tunnel traps and how to set the Fenns. He tells us what bait he uses and why. Finally he demonstrates rabbit snares, how to make and set them and an example of them in action. 5) Plucking and Breasting a wood pigeon. Again similar to the rabbit section and a good example for beginners. Perhaps had Simon turned the bird towards the camera more it would have been a little easier to follow what he was doing. 6) Ferreting with the lads. I think this was the least appealing section and seemed to be added in to extend the DVD. Ferreting is notoriously difficult to film and all we really see is a ferret collar being strapped on, a ferret being put in to a bury and one being dug out at the end. Interesting, but not up to the standard of the rest of the DVD. Finally, (and I hope this is taken in the spirit that it is offered) some constructive criticism that I believe would contribute towards an even better DVD next time out. I don’t think I could come anywhere near what Simon has already produced, so this is clearly a case of “do what I say, not do what I do!†: i) At times in the DVD the video overexposes badly and “washes out†a lot of Simon’s face and hands. It was undoubtedly set on auto and has read for the darker background, thus over exposing the lighter bits. As the human eye is comfortable with shadows it would be better to set the aperture on to manual and expose for the shooters face. ii) The sound is extremely variable and it would be better if Simon used a lapel microphone. These are not expensive and would really make the sound track a lot more professional. iii) When showing the distance that the vermin was shot at I think every shot zoomed out from the subject. I think for effect the opposite would be better, so you would see the subject from the shooters eye view and then zooming in would be the equivalent of using the scope. iv) Zeroing in. I think this section could be expanded and Simon’s method of finding holdover points, by physically moving his target and then marking on a chart, explained in great detail. I believe this would be of great benefit to beginners and others alike. v) In reading some of “Zini’s†posts on the forum, it is clear that he is a superb shot. He knows as a matter of course how many mil dots to use as holdover for each range. I think (together with the above mentioned lapel mike) he could do a commentary saying how much hold over/windage he is using and why. Not necessary on every shot, but it would break up the commentary a bit. vi) Add a section for camo and field craft. After all Simon is obviously good at getting within range of his prey in order to dispatch them, so let’s see how he does it. Does he use hides, bait etc? To my mind, if all of the above appeared in the next DVD it would probably be the best all round air rifle hunting out there, bar none. Overall then a cracking DVD and certainly one of the best I have seen, even up against some of the “professional†ones I have watched lately, whose quality is very good, but content very average. If you like Steve Price’s DVDs you should enjoy this one. Well worth the purchase price and would make an excellent Christmas present for an aficionado of air rifle hunting. Keep up the good work. Cheers Sib Quote Link to post
Sweeney-Todd 208 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Hi Sib. All constructive comments. A very fair and honest review, and well written too. As you rightly say, this is a cracking effort for a first production. Zini has already mentioned a second DVD comming soon, Im sure all you have said will be of huge help to him. I have watched it a couple of times now and will watch it again for sure. Enjoyed the content, and it was well worth the money! Lot of work involved with the making of it, and wish him luck with the next production. Put me down for the next edition Si. Well Done indeed. ATB. Bill Quote Link to post
c side 21 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Bit of brown on the end of ya nose there mate . Quote Link to post
Sweeney-Todd 208 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Bit of brown on the end of ya nose there mate . Hi c side. Not sure I get your there something youd like to say.....or are you happy lurking and sniping at people. Have you paid for a copy, watched it?......guess not!! The guy made a DVD and asked for comments about it, so we are making our comments. If you have somthing constructive to say....we would like to hear it. But the silly jibes are naff Pal!! ATB Bill. Quote Link to post
sibaldib 6 Posted December 13, 2009 Author Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Bit of brown on the end of ya nose there mate . Oh dear! I thought I might get shot down for being too critical, but as the saying goes "you can't please all of the people all of the time" Sib Quote Link to post
wuzzy 0 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Bit of brown on the end of ya nose there mate . its the like of you that drag this forum down your only posts are ones like this you don't seem to offer anything in the way of constructiveness to this forum so why bother logging in and having a go at people who bother to make this a nice place to be Quote Link to post
zini 1,939 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 (edited) Cheers Sib, The review was very good friend and i will try and take all your advice for the next production . I am hoping to get a new video camera before the next DVD is released so hopefully that will also improve the quality of the sometimes dark pictures. I like the idea about zooming in instead of zooming out as it would make it easier to film as sometimes hit quarry jumps out of the picture to die when zoomed in a lot. This would stop that happening. I'm glad that you liked the DVD mate and you found it will worth the money. All the best mate and hopefully ill see you in the Spring for a shoot with me. Si. Edited December 13, 2009 by zini Quote Link to post
reggaeman 1 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 hi sib. thers a few of us on this forum who have watched the dvd. its nice to know si's efforts are being appreciated as i'm sure he will tell you himself when he gets on line later c side. (Bit of brown on the end of ya nose there mate ) whats that all about? its :wankerzo4: like you that many good,genuine people who enjoy this forum actually end up leaving it!!! Quote Link to post
Lee85 44 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 how much is it and where do you buy it? Quote Link to post
zini 1,939 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Hi Lee, The DVD comes in either a plastic sheath for £10.99 or a nice hard copy DVD case all printed for £13.99. I do accept the following payment: PayPal Registered cash Postal orders If you wish to buy a copy please email me at with your option choice and postal address and i'll give you more instruction from there. Regards Zini Quote Link to post
davyt63 1,845 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 Bit of brown on the end of ya nose there mate . HI C SIDE, GO JUMP OFF A PIER!! Quote Link to post
reggaeman 1 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 well said Davy Quote Link to post
zini 1,939 Posted December 13, 2009 Report Share Posted December 13, 2009 LOL Davy Ive sent you a PM mate Si Quote Link to post
johnny 2 367 Posted December 14, 2009 Report Share Posted December 14, 2009 Bit of brown on the end of ya nose there mate . Bit of green in your eye maybe? Quote Link to post
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