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marking dogs

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dont know if this topic has been covered before,how does your dogs mark ?? what sort of indications do they give you.




my whippet sticks her head in the hole and snorts like a pig and she marks the red coats aswell if foxys home shell

stick her head in the hole and start growling lol shes a good marking bitch though

atb taffyboi

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Every dog I've owned has had a different style of marking . My Mum's old whippet -the first marking dog I ever had- used to scrabble at the hole like a terrier which was probably enough to get him condemned by the experts who say such exhuberent behaviour is very naughty and alarms the rabbits. He also would try to go to ground on foxes .As would my lovely collie mongrel- the first dog I owned after leaving home.My first collie lurcher had a very pointer-like style and would stare into a hole with one front leg raised .The best lurcher I ever owned had a very subtle manner -just a glance over her shoulder at me and a twitch of the tail -and it took me a while to have confidence in her .

The cattle-dog cross i owned seemed to catch the slightest whiff of subteranean bunny from several yards away and stand with her legs braced as if she was looking for a fight!

My favourite marking technique belonged to the old chap who reached his sell-by date a few months ago . On his first ferreting trip he chased a runner that had thrown the net and I found him literally sitting by a hole wagging his tail with a big grin on his face . It was completely self-taught and from then on on the command ,"Check em out", he would trot over a bury taking the merest interest in the holes until after a couple of double takes he would select the most promising and plonk his back end down next to it with his rudder waving and a gleefull expression . After he lost a leg he took to lying down but the expression remained the same (see photo).

The whippet/saluki/bedlington bitch I have at the moment takes in nosefulls of scent twitches her tail and dances on the spot and if she thinks i hav'nt got the message by then tends to become a bit of a digger. Not ideal but she is easily calmed down though she has a sneaky tendancy to creep back to the hole while the nets are being set and stick her head back down it .Not a recommended textbook mark but considering her dubious start in life and nervous disposition it's nice for her to be showing some initiative an being a bit positive .


Edited by comanche
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