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Daylight foxing

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Had a call Friday from a chicken farmer to say that he'd been losing a few of the free range birds in the afternoon and could i have a look .Im not working at the moment [bloody recession] so got to the ground at 2.30 pm .Pulled up near the shed that been hit the most and walked to a spot where i had the widest view point .Back to the hedge,on sticks, and waited .Through the bins i could see a fox up the other end of the field around another shed but it went out of view due to the lie off the land.Time for a squeak and didnt have to wait long before charlie came up over the rise at a fair trot .As he came on i saw a feather blow away from his face !I wanted him about the 60-70 yard mark but despite a shout and me being in full view he was coming on like a dog .Shot him on the run in the head at no more than 20 yards.

Had another long wait with a few calls but nothing else showed .Took the fox up to the farmer who identified him as one hed seen by the black front and grissled coat .

Had a wander around the farm for a doe but nothing out and when i got back to the truck i found a bottle of whiskey from the farmer and a christmas card .

Nice to be appreciated .

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