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hancock dogs

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I have seen a couple of hancocks and they were yappers!


I have also seen one that was a decent dog on foxes but a total spewer on anything else.....




Buying from Hancock and you are helping support puppy farming. :thumbdown:


Still, each to their own.......JD

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I have seen a couple of hancocks and they were yappers!


I have also seen one that was a decent dog on foxes but a total spewer on anything else.....




Buying from Hancock and you are helping support puppy farming. :thumbdown:


Still, each to their own.......JD



Maybe so but its not exclusive to hancock bred dogs...plenty of yappers and spewers in all x's....as for puppy farming..matter of opinion I spose..and not everyone is fortunate enough to have access to the mate who's just bred a litter....far to many conmen out there who'll tell you anything to get you to part with your cash....Might suit the "high & mighty among the dogmen :hunter: if all us "puppy farming supporters" were lined up against the wall and shot :hunter::hunter: Seems to me hancock's a bit of of an easy target for certain factions in here and when you get right down to the nitty gritty of the criticism of these dogs it doesn't seem to be based on much...most of the critics dont have one, saw a few run or had a bad experience of one etc etc....all about opinions but mine is just as valid as anyone elses 8)

Edited by undisputed
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I remember, when the Saluki, come into the lurcher field, about 19- 75and on, there was some sorry sites, stand in the middle of the field,

on three, legs, holding one of the front legs up, and shivering, no recall, zero, but, as time went on they gradually, improved the breeding,

and now they are some of the best dogs that, the Lurcher world has seen, and like all there is good and bad in all litters, very few litters, that throw all champions, so in Hancocks, the same story, but really a lot boils, down to the handler, and how much effort he puts into the dog,((( and of course the dog has to have the ingredients, for the handler to be able to work on,(( but as they say if you beed of the best, worker to worker, then you really stand a decent chance of getting something decent, (( but I dont knock Hancock, he does not force anyone to come and buy of him, it is up to the person who wants a pup, ((( I have never owned a hancock dog, and I dont think I ever will,

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I don't know why you're all on about hancocks dogs ...whenever i read the adverts saw the webbsite( recently) and even talked to the old guy around 12 years old he never once said they were working lurchers ..he never once once bigged his dogs up working ability ..he bigged up the quality of his collies as in where he sourced them from and i was told from them that the strain of beardie used today was sourced from one of the last working lines in this country ..at the end of the day he's still a breeder who's had some success in the field, obedience and agility trials ...if every dog he bred was THAT bad do you think they would be breeding today? i think not and the amount of dogs that are passed from pillar to post through internet ..free ads ..where ever very very few are hancocks dogs

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Lets face it Collie crosses are if trained properly are useful intelligent hunting companions, but you have to put in the time as a pup and not throw in the towel at the first obstacle,I think this is why Hancock dogs get a bad press ,because there is certain crosses that as a rule do certain things as a given this is purely because of the nature of the breeds in the cross ,lets face it rabbits are not trendy quarry as there teeth aren't big enough and they don't fight back and if Hancock had a few strong terriers on chains around his yards and a string of greyhound bitches some of the very same men who are giving his collie crosses a hard time would be more inclined to have a pup off him at £200, I have seen some very good Hancocks and some not so good,but thats the same for most other crosses who ever breeds them and what there parents have done. My preferance is for the pure border collie crosses as some of the beardie crosses Ive seen have been quite highly strung but thats my personal opinion,At the end of the day buying a pup to do any job be that a policedog ,sheepdog ,guidedog,lurcher ,terrier ,hound they either have an abiliy to do a job or they don't !!and these examples are from proven breeding programs from proven parents,however thepolice also have alot of gifted dogs of unknown heritage so this proves to a degree that its not necessarily about the prowess of the sire and dam.

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Lets face it Collie crosses are if trained properly are useful intelligent hunting companions, but you have to put in the time as a pup and not throw in the towel at the first obstacle,I think this is why Hancock dogs get a bad press ,because there is certain crosses that as a rule do certain things as a given this is purely because of the nature of the breeds in the cross ,lets face it rabbits are not trendy quarry as there teeth aren't big enough and they don't fight back and if Hancock had a few strong terriers on chains around his yards and a string of greyhound bitches some of the very same men who are giving his collie crosses a hard time would be more inclined to have a pup off him at £200, I have seen some very good Hancocks and some not so good,but thats the same for most other crosses who ever breeds them and what there parents have done. My preferance is for the pure border collie crosses as some of the beardie crosses Ive seen have been quite highly strung but thats my personal opinion,At the end of the day buying a pup to do any job be that a policedog ,sheepdog ,guidedog,lurcher ,terrier ,hound they either have an abiliy to do a job or they don't !!and these examples are from proven breeding programs from proven parents,however thepolice also have alot of gifted dogs of unknown heritage so this proves to a degree that its not necessarily about the prowess of the sire and dam.

100% well said mate,so much so in fact i bought a hancock bith pup only last week from collie/grey on here

016.jpgnever been a great believer in the hype that goes with a lot of dogs on here,firmly believe you get out what you put in end of :thumbs:

Edited by watchman
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wel said mick..nice pup watchman hope she turns out to be a topper :thumbs: ..i tink what mick said is spot on its all about how much you put into the dog..no matter how good the parents were or how good the dog has the potential to be it will nevr be anygood if the owner does not put any time in..THANKS LADS any more info would be great :thumbs:

Edited by craigheff
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Lets face it Collie crosses are if trained properly are useful intelligent hunting companions, but you have to put in the time as a pup and not throw in the towel at the first obstacle,I think this is why Hancock dogs get a bad press ,because there is certain crosses that as a rule do certain things as a given this is purely because of the nature of the breeds in the cross ,lets face it rabbits are not trendy quarry as there teeth aren't big enough and they don't fight back and if Hancock had a few strong terriers on chains around his yards and a string of greyhound bitches some of the very same men who are giving his collie crosses a hard time would be more inclined to have a pup off him at £200, I have seen some very good Hancocks and some not so good,but thats the same for most other crosses who ever breeds them and what there parents have done. My preferance is for the pure border collie crosses as some of the beardie crosses Ive seen have been quite highly strung but thats my personal opinion,At the end of the day buying a pup to do any job be that a policedog ,sheepdog ,guidedog,lurcher ,terrier ,hound they either have an abiliy to do a job or they don't !!and these examples are from proven breeding programs from proven parents,however thepolice also have alot of gifted dogs of unknown heritage so this proves to a degree that its not necessarily about the prowess of the sire and dam.


Well said :clapper:

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It seems a real shame that on this forum any time anyone dares to mention Hancock and/or his dogs that there is a flood of negative stuff. Often its the same old stuff at that, his kennels are a shame, that his dogs arent wonder dogs and wont run on game if they feel they have little chance of catching or that they are no good on game that fights back. Is any of this generally true of all the stock he breeds? Often these assertions is seems are normally based on a bloke I know had one and said or I have seen a one, a couple or a few and etc.

Well I have been to his kennels 17 years ago and this year and have to say that they looked pretty good to me and definitely a lot better than some of the shameful setups it has been my misfortune to witness a few times over the years. Both the pups I have picked up from his kennels were (contrary to some of the comments I have heard) clean, healthy and wormed.

As to the other comments about his dogs, well in any body of dogs you will find faults and as he produces more dogs than probably anyone else you would expect to see a few of his that have faults. Are these faults in his and other peoples stock always down to the dogs?? If we are honest we would have to say no.

Over the years I have seem quite a few BullXs (after all they are flavour of the month of late) some have been great slick running machines but on the other hand some of these dogs have been rather too heavy and slow and a few I have to say are nothing short of hideous. But I dont therefore think that bull crosses are in some way rubbish just because of what I have seen, as I have over the years met people with wonderful specimens how seemed very happy with there hunting companions.

Also if we are honest even worker to worker matings dont always go as planed either, Im sure if we are the sort that from time to times go to Lurcher/ terrier events we will have seen a few examples.

So there you have it, there are good and bad examples in all crosses and indeed there owners.



Edited by Jack Dark
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<br />I have seen a couple of hancocks  and they were yappers! <br /><br />I have also seen one that was a decent dog on foxes but a total spewer on anything else.....<br /><br /><br /><br />Buying from Hancock and you are helping  support puppy farming.  <img src='http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbdown.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':thumbdown:' /> <br /><br />Still, each to their own.......JD<br />
<br /><br /><br />doga off hear mate wont have anything else but hancock he loves em and i think he likes hancocks mrs to lol
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I've had a few hancock dogs,3/4's and 1/2 one 3/4 i had never did a thing with him though he was 100% on everything pre-ban.Another i just couldn't get to work well for love nor money...i've gone for a hancocks x hancocks now,both parents proven workers and she suits me!IMO its what you want from a dog that makes your mind up not who bred it or what breeding it is atb JB S7300438.jpg

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