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hancock dogs

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would any one mind telling me what a hancock dog is?..



thanks craig



ive had one 15 years now and she has done me very proud took everything at least you know hat your getting exactly from him cant fault him for his collie crosses every one ive seen have been good dogs. suppose its what you do with em what counts and how much time you put into them .

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would any one mind telling me what a hancock dog is?..



thanks craig



ive had one 15 years now and she has done me very proud took everything at least you know hat your getting exactly from him cant fault him for his collie crosses every one ive seen have been good dogs. suppose its what you do with em what counts and how much time you put into them .

you must be lucky has alot of them dont turn out very good fair play to you but one thing that gets me on this site is if someone sells more than one dog or litters they are a dog peddler now hancock just breeds litter after litter so is he a dog peddler
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ive only ever seen one dog that come off him that was alright on rabbits the rest was crap i know some esle that went and felt sorry for the pups and brought two then gave them away someone told me he has up to 200 pups a year so why do poeple on this site buy off of him and not off some off this site who look after there dogs and most of all work them at least they can see what they came off does anyone esle think the same way

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9 out ov 10 dogs will work well if trained correct from a pup nomatter wat there parents did or who they came from pepole get sucked in to paying over the odds because wat the parents did or who they came from i think

handcocks dogs aint 9 out of 10 they are more like 1 in 50 before you a really good one

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Had two lurchers from hancock. A half cross beardie/border greyhound around 15 years ago and a half cross border collie greyhound off him around 6 years ago. Both have been very good dogs to me, but in all fairness their probably just average working lurchers. I will say this though, as genuine as the dogs are i wasn't impressed with the state of the place where i bought them from. One of the dogs roaming about looked absolutely flea ridden and the pup i took home stank to bloody hell. I won't be fuelling his business anymore. I also think its good for pups to have some contact with kids etc and not just stuck in a shed until sold.

Edited by wuyang
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had abeardie cross out of hanckock 20 yeaRS ago she one several obiedence got to nlrc rabbiting finals , caught thousands of rabbits took a few roe hares fox , she was a very good bitch ,but truthully it was me who put the time into them to make her good , cause with an inexpiernced guy or a once a week hunter she would had been not the best , saw k walkers dog she was a nice bitch out of hancock ,all in all i would not get another ,and saw lots i wouldnt keep full stop , no wind, not fast ,to hyper ,she one the scottish nlrs obeidence trail to get to the finals at blaigowrie as a14 month old pup , but it was a fite with her to keep her [bANNED TEXT] , i would not get another as they dont suit me treisd it once thtas enough

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9 out ov 10 dogs will work well if trained correct from a pup nomatter wat there parents did or who they came from pepole get sucked in to paying over the odds because wat the parents did or who they came from i think


bollocks,,,, So your saying you dont need to look down the lines of the pup your buying! So the snatch line in Ireland or the sotty lines in whippets mean nothing!


If a terier wont go to earth or hold then it wont do it simple as, no matter how you breed the fecker. If a lurcher cant read the hare, the turn the pick up, then it wont do it no matter what you do to train it...


What you are talking about, you could do with any dog, collie, mongrel,,, anything.... as most dogs know how to bush to a curtain extent....

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macines its what the parents do thta counts hence i never got another hancock ,full stop but as ateenager peole got blinded with books lies but you soon found out as you get clever, since then always been tried and tested workers you no there temprement qaulities etc only way forward

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been truthul when was the last time you been to hancocks mines was 92 as the fecher took pics at the amman valley lurcher trails and shows , and says ill give you them he never did as him and plummer wanted them to sell more pups as she was a decent dog ,but only through my hard perseverance and land with plenty game made the dog she was , i gave her away ay six to ales demandin home and she odne the owner proud they offerdme apup but i refused as i new the hassle i had to get her trained and she over heated on the big nites localy on hares , all history but facts, all the dogs ive had since have been easier at times to train and work with me rather than against me at times

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