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BSA R10 and HW100KT in action yesterday and today


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Hi all,


Here is another small post to give you something to read and watch as the forum seems pretty quiet at the moment.


I decided to take out my old trusty today for an hour (BSA R10) to give her a shoot :whistling: .


The weather was pretty foggy but a few bits were out :thumbs: .


The first shot was on a squizzer sat at 27 metres. It was standing really still thinking that I couldn’t see it.


I placed the cross hair .5 of a mil dot hold under and bowled him over with a head shot :thumbs: .


The second shot was on a woody sat in a tree with his mate. I lased the woody and found it to be sat bang on 40 metres.


I gave the woody a 2 mil dot hold over and released the second stage on the R10.


The woody fell straight out the tree :boogie: .


On retrieval I noted that the woody had been hit straight in the brain :victory: .


Luckily for me both shots so far have been captured on video.


The third shot was at another woody sat again with his mate again.


I decided to shoot the lower of the 2 birds straight through the top of the shoulder blades and into the heart as it was turned away from me.


I released the shot and the bird fell straight out the tree stone dead but behind a huge green fence and onto an adjacent permission which is still mine but a huge journey around the fence to retrieve the woodies :wallbash: .


Its mate didn’t move and fly off so proving how quiet the R10 is with a second silencer fitted.


I went for the second shot on his mate this time going for a neck shot to prove my theory about neck shots not being that good on birds.


I hit him straight in the neck and watched him yet again as yesterday fly 10 metres before hitting the floor stone dead yet again on my other adjacent permission :angry: .


Those two will be fox food but I still have the footage on video camera 8) .


The morel in this story is with my experience don’t take neck shots on birds with either a .177 or .22 calibre rifle if you want to guarantee a instant death.


They will die but not always fall straight away to the floor as they do every time with a heart or head shot.


All in all it wasn’t a bad hour’s work but a shame that I couldn’t collect the other 2 woodies for the photo.


I have put a bit of the best footage together, not all the footage because some was rubbish due to birds flying off and dying etc from yesterday and today on a short clip for you guys to watch :thumbs: .


I hope that you enjoy watching it and seeing what a BSA R10 and Weihrauch HW100KT is capable of :boogie: .


Here is the link to the footage :icon_eek:



Please leave your comments on this thread and the video footage you have watched




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Fecking ell boy!


Your shooting is superb, that bunny was precisley how I like to see mine go. Frozen in time (of death)! :notworthy::gunsmilie:


That Corvid shot was also superb :clapper:


Damn, I'm gonna have to buy the DVD's just so I can hear the commentery :yes: (cuz he forgot the sub titles :whistling: )



Edited by Phantom
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Another great vid zini!!! :gunsmilie:


I have bookmarked your channel as I love the vids you put up there!!


Just cant wait to sort out a new permission and get out and do some sniping of my own!!


I have to say your marksmanship is top notch!! :toast:


Keep up the good work mate and I am looking forward to your DVD!!

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Hi all,


Here is another small post to give you something to read and watch as the forum seems pretty quiet at the moment.


I decided to take out my old trusty today for an hour (BSA R10) to give her a shoot :whistling: .


The weather was pretty foggy but a few bits were out :thumbs: .


The first shot was on a squizzer sat at 27 metres. It was standing really still thinking that I couldn’t see it.


I placed the cross hair .5 of a mil dot hold under and bowled him over with a head shot :thumbs: .


The second shot was on a woody sat in a tree with his mate. I lased the woody and found it to be sat bang on 40 metres.


I gave the woody a 2 mil dot hold over and released the second stage on the R10.


The woody fell straight out the tree :boogie: .


On retrieval I noted that the woody had been hit straight in the brain :victory: .


Luckily for me both shots so far have been captured on video.


The third shot was at another woody sat again with his mate again.


I decided to shoot the lower of the 2 birds straight through the top of the shoulder blades and into the heart as it was turned away from me.


I released the shot and the bird fell straight out the tree stone dead but behind a huge green fence and onto an adjacent permission which is still mine but a huge journey around the fence to retrieve the woodies :wallbash: .


Its mate didn’t move and fly off so proving how quiet the R10 is with a second silencer fitted.


I went for the second shot on his mate this time going for a neck shot to prove my theory about neck shots not being that good on birds.


I hit him straight in the neck and watched him yet again as yesterday fly 10 metres before hitting the floor stone dead yet again on my other adjacent permission :angry: .


Those two will be fox food but I still have the footage on video camera 8) .


The morel in this story is with my experience don’t take neck shots on birds with either a .177 or .22 calibre rifle if you want to guarantee a instant death.


They will die but not always fall straight away to the floor as they do every time with a heart or head shot.


All in all it wasn’t a bad hour’s work but a shame that I couldn’t collect the other 2 woodies for the photo.


I have put a bit of the best footage together, not all the footage because some was rubbish due to birds flying off and dying etc from yesterday and today on a short clip for you guys to watch :thumbs: .


I hope that you enjoy watching it and seeing what a BSA R10 and Weihrauch HW100KT is capable of :boogie: .


Here is the link to the footage :icon_eek:



Please leave your comments on this thread and the video footage you have watched



Fabilous shooting Mate :thumbs: The long crow was superb. What is the shoot-an industrial estate?


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Thanks for all the positive comments people :thumbs: .


Sorry Tony mate, you need to download them drivers quickly or get a new sound card :whistling:


No not a industrial estate mate but an old RAF air base.


Yes Chriso my newly released DVD does cover tips and techniques in shooting and trapping, ferreting and game preparation, equipment and setting up equipment. I don’t bother with the crap that some DVD's show. My DVD gets you up close and personnel with the quarry.


No problems John, just give me a shout when you have some spare money pal :thumbs:


Cheers Solo mate, I have been practicing my marksmanship for many years now to get it to where it is now both with air rifles and larger calibre rifles.

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hi zini

you just cant put that R10 down can ya buddy :thumbs:

some good video footage there buddy,and some cracking shots :thumbs:

is the HW100 .22 as well, and which do you prefer to use? and can you send me a link to the modified video camera tri-pod, or pics!

well done :clapper:





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Hi Solo,


The DVD comes in either a plastic sheath for £10.99 or a nice hard copy DVD case all printed for £13.99.


I do accept the following payment:



Registered cash

Postal orders


If you are interested email me at simonpittaway@yahoo.com with your postal address and option choice and ill give you more direction mate :thumbs: .






Davy cheers pal Ill get some pictures today when out with Reggaeman and Wuzzy.


Its nothing fantastic really mate and more or a work around to hold the camera.



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