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What 4x4 - TD5? 300TDI?

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landrover 90s hold there money disco are as cheap as chips ie 2001 disco es all the toys on it nice moter 87,000mls in the ring made £700 now you wont see any landcruisers for less than 2k and there old h or k plates its a fact the 4.2 cruiser holds its money better than any other 4x4 all the best in your quest mate but me i wouldn t buy a disco

Edited by TOPPER
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  On 10/12/2009 at 18:08, Edd_Wiltshire said:

Hi All,

Time has come to get a 4x4.

Roads around here are total crap and I would like to be able to drive tracks and across fields.

Will just be so much easier for the dogs and gear as well.

I have a budget of £4K so was looking at a Discovery.

However looking at disco's, the TD5's in my price range are about 100-120 thousand miles, should I stay away from these and go for an earlier disco? Or bite the bullet and go for a TD5?

Thing is the Mrs will want to drive it occasionally so a defender for that money wouldn’t be ideal to drive into Bristol in.

Any advice would be great.



My advice and i have been messing around with land rovers. discos and defenders for a fair while,


purchase an 1998 / 1999 disco 1 300 tdi, auto or manual the choice is yours, but in truth the auto is a great drive, go for lowest milage,and best condition you can get, (i like the XS but the ES premium is very nice.

With the remainder of your cash treat your self to poly bushes, 1-2" lift, a set of BFG all terrains, make sure to wax oil the underside, especialy the boot floor, and finally a complete sevice including all oils / fluids. oh and try to avoid sun roofs at any cost!

you will be as happy as larry,,, with a mint motor,,,and lots of trouble free miles,


the TD5 you could buy at that price would be crap, and require expensive work,, rear air bags etc,, and every thing is money,,,


the defender is an option but i would only go for the 110 county, as 90 look good but are not fun to drive any distance,, off road they are king!






all the best with your choice

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hi mate,

i had a TD5 disco on a 1999 (V) plate...


had nothing but problems from the day i had it. breaks, suspension, head gasket and immobiliser problems(ECU).

after spending £2400 within a year im thinking about part exchanging it .....


bought it off this site last year and its been the most un-reliable truck i ever bought.....


look at the land rover forums and look at their common faults.......


pretty good on fuel tho...... lol

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If you do go for the tdi 300 dont get the auto you could run faster personaly i have had a disco thought it was great off road but they rust like anything, got a daihatsu sportrack and will be getting a fourtrack in the new year good luck with your choice.

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  On 11/12/2009 at 20:01, TOPPER said:

find yourself a 4.2 landcruiser mate you cant beat them iv e got one here with 377,000 on it and the lumps never been touched , comfy on road and go anywhere off road even old strongstuff is jealous !!! i forgot to add its a manual and does 31mpg come hell or high water



Only just seen this, you naughty boy!


I don't do jealousy or covet other peoples belongings, I do think the Land Cruiser is a big smart motor, but personally have decided not to buy one for reasons above.


Would be a bit hypocritical of me to shout about Buy British all the time and turn up in one of Tokyo's finest .......... :gunsmilie:

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Yeah thanks for the reply's lads.

I have not thought of a landcrusiser but there are a few around for 4k and under, i guess they are pretty good cars and can rack up the mileage?

May have a look at this Shogun for sale, an hour away from me but looks wortha look:



And this disco is only 25 minutes away but im not sure about the TD5's for this money, he says he will take £3,700 for it, its also had the head gasket done recently, should this scare me off?




Am thinking i may have to pay a few grand more to get a decent one? Or go for a 300Tdi which is old but could get a decent one for that, maybe like this, would leave some money for new tyres etc?




Annoying really, could also go to an auction, anyone reccomend a good auction house in the southwest?

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  On 18/12/2009 at 10:57, Edd_Wiltshire said:

Yeah thanks for the reply's lads.

I have not thought of a landcrusiser but there are a few around for 4k and under, i guess they are pretty good cars and can rack up the mileage?

May have a look at this Shogun for sale, an hour away from me but looks wortha look:



And this disco is only 25 minutes away but im not sure about the TD5's for this money, he says he will take £3,700 for it, its also had the head gasket done recently, should this scare me off?




Am thinking i may have to pay a few grand more to get a decent one? Or go for a 300Tdi which is old but could get a decent one for that, maybe like this, would leave some money for new tyres etc?




Annoying really, could also go to an auction, anyone reccomend a good auction house in the southwest?



Not sure about that TD5 mate ............ it's got no roof rails or wheel arch extensions, suggests to me it could be a converted commercial, nothing wrong with that but there are definitely better ones out there, not loving that nasty tyre paint either lol!


Auctions ............ have a look here:





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