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sadly for sale my BSA S10 .177K

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hi all,i have for sale as above a BSA s10 in .177 its the carbine model and a mk2 ,you may have noticed i only bought this off the bbs 2 weeks ago after selling my fn12, sods law has hit me hard in the last week or so as after the first week the rifle decided not to hold its air so have spoken to John Bowkett and he reassured me that it would be sorted with a blue print that he offers for £75 and i was ready to send it off on monday but the DWP decided they would cock up my payments and leave me penniless until they find my paperwork that they admitted they have lost :censored: now i would just wait and get the rifle sorted but my son has his 7th birthday next week and then we have Christmas looming otherwise i wouldn't be getting rid, i need a rifle because i run a gun club but needs must and my family comes first so its here. I,m not looking to make anything and i know the rifle will be sorted with a blue print from JB so i,m only looking for £275 collected and i will include the weaver rail that i have installed for a laser and bi-pod but note ! there is no bi-pod or laser with the rifle and the old BSA silencer has been removed to make way for a new one but not got round to it yet and its just as loud as with the old silencer :thumbdown:


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ahh see we hit the ground running and got land offered to us from a scout camp with two very nice 100yrd outdoor ranges for a share of the range fee,s :victory: and insurance if from the bfta hope this helps :thumbs: but this is all sub 12lb air rifles i expect its a lot more complicated with fac

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