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Personally I would go for a 20 bore O/U multichoke.

Lightweight and easy to carry all day if walking.

Would have one myself.

Downside is carts are expensive compared to 12G.

If you can cope with the weight of a 12G go for that it will cover more options.

Again my choice would be an O/U multichoke. poss sporter or game gun.

You can always use light loads in it for a start.

Go to a gunshop and try a few see how they feel and fit.

Bear in mind your gonna grow as well something that fits now wont in a few years time!

Prob best to also consider a trip to a clay range to try some out as well!

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get your self a hatsan escort 12b semi auto mate there multi choke, less than £400 and you dont get the recoil like an o/u so you can have the heavier loads, plus they come with stock extentions so you can extend it the bigger you get. a lot of people knock them but so long as you keep it clean and only use cartridges above 65mm long you'll be fine i wish i'd never got rid of mine i really regret it.


best off going and holding a few different ones at a gunshop or if you can get to a clay ground and see if they've got any club guns you can try


good luck what ever you get mate :thumbs:

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