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Stalking today

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Down Martins first light today .Went to a place of his that is in my opinion hard stalking .Large open areas with a continuous swirling wind .The fog was threatening so we had no time to play the wind as it was where we were so we moved slowly through the fields glassing as best we could in the swirling mist .Didnt get far when the familiar click of hocks told me we had bumped deer the other side of the hedge in a rape fied .They had been sat against the hedge as i thought they would be in this weather but wrong sided to us .Got on sticks as they pranced away ,three white asses,three does.No shot so we carried on, seeing them once more before they made the wood at the far boundary . The fog was in now so a move was suggested which was the right thing to do it turned out .This next plcae is where i called a couple of bucks back in the summer and a great place to stalk .It is divided into three poplar plantations ,to be harvested one day i expect. Martin stayed on the point of the last wood while i did a large sweep to come through it downwind .Its imperative to know where the other chap is in situations like this and i wouldnt recommend it to those who dont really know the lay of the land .We discussed the route id take before i set off so each knew the whereabouts of the other .The poplars allow a good view ahead so careful glassing was needed for me to spot a pair of does couched under a banking in the wood .Too many trees in the way from where i was at roughly 130-40 yards so a stalk in was needed to get a clear shot .The ground underfoot was quiet ,the wind was perfect and i made up 60 yards without a glance in my direction .On sticks and neck the best offer,a young doe .The older stood up and the shot was on but being a guest ,i decided one was enough :whistling: The other doe moved on quietly as only undesturbed roe can .No constant pressure here ,just the odd human .A shot rang out from ahead followed by a phone call to say Martin had bagged one too.One of a pair that went forward.



Edited by foxdropper
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Good going guys - another two nice Does. I agree you've got to have total trust in the other party and sound awareness of the ground to pull this off and it's worked out perfectly :victory: Taking the young Doe not only means better eating but also leaves a proven mature doe for the next breeding season... assuming you don't get her before. Very courteous of you as well FD :victory:

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