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Duck Hunting

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Hi Folks


Does anyone have any experience of hunting ducks with a non FAC air rifle?

I have just got a new permission, only 9 acres but it has a small pond which seems to attract 20-30 mallards each morning. The owner doesnt want me using a shotgun as the land is quite close to housing and doesnt want any grief from the locals due to noise. I could use a moderator but fancied ago with an air rifle. Head shot only, .22 or .177.


Let me know if you have had any succcess failures


Thanks and happy hunting

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Thank you Iamduvern.


You are correct there are a number of relatively inexspensive shotguns that you can put a moderator on or buy one that's got it inbuilt. But. I don't have a FAC licence and I like the idea of shooting with a rifle for something larger than a rabbit.


Fac may be the way forward, but, for the moment "to duck or not to duck".





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Hi Dave,


Hit a Duck with either a .177 or a .22 in the head from a sensible distance (your comfort zone for accuracy) when they are in season and it's gonna go down to end up on your plate :yes:


Do it "out of season" however it will be you going down :tongue2:


I almost took a shot at one last week, but it took to the sky :wallbash:



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Hi Phantom,


Thanks for the reply, In season is not an issue. I'm not about to start taking liberties with the law, good way to loose licence


These ducks have not been hunted for years, can get to within 20 - 30 yards.


Love duck: yum yum


Trying with an air rifle appeals, rather than shotgun.


On leave tomorrow moring, rifle charged. early start [bANNED TEXT] sun-up


I will let you know how I get on.





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  On 13/12/2009 at 20:36, Edgar said:

I have been told you should never fire a rifle into water as the bullet hits the water so hard it ricochets but I don't know if an air rifle pellet would be going fast enough? Just something to watch out for.


Sub sonic rounds such as air pellets (and many rim and centre fire rounds) will just make their way to the bottom of the water.


Hypersonic rounds will disintegrate as they hit the water :yes:


The chance of a bounce is millions to one.


Am I the only one who watches Myth Busters on Discovery?



Edited by Phantom
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Thanks, Phantom, Edgar, Lee85, Maty J and andyfr 1968,


I have just got back from having a go at them. I have to say they are going to be harder than I thought. Got to within about 50 Yards of them, and they took flight. Didn't come back either.


I want to get within at least 30 yards before I take a shot as I realy want to nail them with a head shot only. A body wound on a bird that size will be a slow death. So the plan is to get up tomorrow before first light and get into position before they even flight into the pond.


On the positive side, I nailed two squirells this morning, I have been having a private war with these critters for the past 9 months, as they nested in one of the cavity walls last March. My daughter gave me so much grief as they were right behing her bed that I had to bring in pest control to get rid of them. And then, a plasterer to put right the damage that these critters had caused, along with the access that the verming control needed.


So to say the least, I'm not keen on having them around. So, no ducks, but any squirell day is a good day.


Thanks again for all your replies.


I will keep you posted when the freezer is groaning from the weight of frozen duck!!!!!!!





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