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how are they gonna answer this

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Ha! Concise Oxford Dictionary, 2002 edition has:- epidemiologyn, the branch of medicine concerned with the incidence and distribution of diseases and other factors relating to health.

It, as a science, is not concerned with causative agents, merely with distribution.



I stand corrected on this, but not the after-effects of the Chernobyl melt-down.


You are going for another pint, I'm going to work.


b*****d. :wallbash::laugh:


On yer trike!

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Its alarmism pure and simple....remember acid rain? chernoble?

Yes our power stations outfallwas blamed for destroying hectare upon hectare of forests in northern Europe :hmm: but when Chernoble went up the outfall landed on our west coast from Scotland to Wales :yes:

So was Chernoble causing damage to the atmosphere before it went up?and not mentioned?

Y.I.S Leeview


Different types of power station.


Coal fired power stations cause Acid Rain.


Chernobyl was nuclear. No damage to the atmosphere, but the radioactive fallout caused extra cancers in the North West.

never said they were the same type of power station I referred to how our power stations were blamed for damaging forests to the NNE of the UK, Chernobyl fallout took virtually the opposite direction SWW to reach the UK west coast

Y.I.S Leeview

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Ho Hum. Here we go again. As we reach the end of the warmest decade since 1850 all the idjits crawl out the woodwork. What even you dipshits should be able to understand is that GLOBAL WARMING IS A FACT. The extent to which it is anthropogenic is still open to debate,but it is real. The Arctic icecap has lost more area in the last 10 years than in the previous 200. The Antarctic icecap, which is the one that matters because it is land borne, is melting so fast that instrumentation can't keep up.


Anyway. Let's consider "Conspiracy Theories". There are a few groups of people who have published data that contradict global warming. They claim to be "independent thinkers". The problem is that if you take the trouble to investigate their funding it turns out that their "independent research foundation" is funded by ? Guess who? Exxonn. Shell. Texaco.


There is indeed a conspiracy about global warming. The people behind the conspiracy are the companies who stand to benefit from continued use of fossil fuels. The fact that the entire human race will suffer does not matter because the bosses of the companies won't live long enough to see the consequences.


Keep up the good work Swampy. You are on the side of the capitalist comptrollers of society. Rest assured, you will get your just desserts. You won't live long to enjoy them but make the most of it while you have the chance.





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There is no mystery about the different directions of fall-out if you just apply a bit of lateral thinking. Prevailing wind direction can swing through 180deg with the time of year. It depends on the position of the Azores high pressure area.


I am sceptical about the harm done in this country by the radio-active fall-out from Chernobyl but any-which-way it is irrelevant to the point of this thread.


Acid rain in Scandinavia was indeed damaging forests, and was indeed caused by chemical fall-out from British coal-fired power stations. At the time the coal used had a high sulphur content. When the sulphur was burned it was converted into sulphur dioxide. When the emissions from the stations reached Norway, the SO2was absorbed in rain forming sulphurous acid. The problem was solved in three ways.

1.) A switch to low sulphur coal

2.) fitting absorption equipment in the station chimneys

3.) almost accidentally by changing over to gas-fired power generation.


CFCs were found to be persisting in the upper atmosphere where they were catalysing the breakdown of ozone. The ozone layer is essential to life because it absorbs hard UV which is lethal at ground level. When CFCs were first banned there was a large and growing hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. Within 2 years the hole had stopped growing and has been steadily shrinking since.


These are two excellent examples of anthropogenic climate change which has been reversed by changing the technology used. There are no mysterious conspiracies involved, no Illuminati secretly plotting to instal a World Government. Just international agreement that there was a real problem, that we had caused it, and we knew how to fix it. There were denialists of both but only seriously lunatic fringe types still hold such views.


Bit like global warming really.




PS Droid - you have been fixing that fuel pump for 6 months to my certain knowledge. Face it chap, you don't want to ride the thing in the wet!

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PS Droid - you have been fixing that fuel pump for 6 months to my certain knowledge. Face it chap, you don't want to ride the thing in the wet!


Wrong again.


For 4 months of that, I was 'fixing' the carb. :tongue2:


No probs riding the trike in the wet. Don't have a car so if it's wet it's bike or trike mate.


And the bike, being a Honda, usually works.....

Edited by droid
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PS Droid - you have been fixing that fuel pump for 6 months to my certain knowledge. Face it chap, you don't want to ride the thing in the wet!


Wrong again.


For 4 months of that, I was 'fixing' the carb. :tongue2:


No probs riding the trike in the wet. Don't have a car so if it's wet it's bike or trike mate.


And the bike, being a Honda, usually works.....

Yeah. Ain't these JapCrap bo-o-o-ring? My Ducati could be a bull bitch b'staard. But when it came on song around 11000 Hoo boy it went like the hammers and it was just so much FUN.

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My Ducati could be a bull bitch b'staard. But when it came on song around 11000 Hoo boy it went like the hammers and it was just so much FUN.




Can't beat a big V-twin :clapper:


Though my VTR redlines at 9500. At 11000 I'd have me knackers taken off by flying piston.



Bugger the Global Warming.


Get out there and BURN FUEL

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There is no mystery about the different directions of fall-out if you just apply a bit of lateral thinking. Prevailing wind direction can swing through 180deg with the time of year. It depends on the position of the Azores high pressure area.


I am sceptical about the harm done in this country by the radio-active fall-out from Chernobyl but any-which-way it is irrelevant to the point of this thread.


Acid rain in Scandinavia was indeed damaging forests, and was indeed caused by chemical fall-out from British coal-fired power stations. At the time the coal used had a high sulphur content. When the sulphur was burned it was converted into sulphur dioxide. When the emissions from the stations reached Norway, the SO2was absorbed in rain forming sulphurous acid. The problem was solved in three ways.

1.) A switch to low sulphur coal

2.) fitting absorption equipment in the station chimneys

3.) almost accidentally by changing over to gas-fired power generation.


CFCs were found to be persisting in the upper atmosphere where they were catalysing the breakdown of ozone. The ozone layer is essential to life because it absorbs hard UV which is lethal at ground level. When CFCs were first banned there was a large and growing hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica. Within 2 years the hole had stopped growing and has been steadily shrinking since.


These are two excellent examples of anthropogenic climate change which has been reversed by changing the technology used. There are no mysterious conspiracies involved, no Illuminati secretly plotting to instal a World Government. Just international agreement that there was a real problem, that we had caused it, and we knew how to fix it. There were denialists of both but only seriously lunatic fringe types still hold such views.


Bit like global warming really.




PS Droid - you have been fixing that fuel pump for 6 months to my certain knowledge. Face it chap, you don't want to ride the thing in the wet!

global warming exists , the human connection is debatable, the earth keeps its own records , as the

permafrost melts information will become available , the effect of the sun and sunspots are not really understood, Illuminati,i think you will find the builder bergs exist too, whether you believe

that they are a think tank or the new world order, or a knitting club is irrelevant , the

cycle the earth is entering is unstoppable by mankind , will we survive time will tell


, ,,

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