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hi all just a quistion cause im baffeld about this yesterday i was in my yard and my ferret was ok running round cage as normall i went out for most ov day came back in went to feed my ferret and it never came out as usual so i opend the bed door it looked asleep so i though thats weird its never asleep when im out in the yard so i moved it and relised it had died does anyone no how this could ov happend cause my mate was talking to his mate's and all there ferrets had died yesterday aswell mine had loads ov bedding and shredded paper plenty ov food and water is always there for it but im baffeld how mine and 3 other ppl's ferrets hav managed 2 die on same day anyone got any info on this? thnx sky 08

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I had a well looked after jill mate and last winter the same thing happened to me, i went out on the morning to sort out the dog and feed the jill and all was good but as soon as a came back from graft she was stone dead.

If you find out the cause of your problem if you dont mind could you let me no mate, cheers.

Luke. :thumbs:

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