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yellow purse nets

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i use hemp and bright yellow nets and to be honest mate it doesn't make 1 bit of difference what colour the nets are, the rabbits will bolt in to both. :thumbs: as lerk says, your not as likely to leave your yellow nights behind :victory:

Edited by carp king
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I use bright red spun nylon it's not the fact that the rabbit see's the nets as if the ferrets following it out it shouldbe moving at speed it so you pick them all up and dont leave any lieing about

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i had similar worries last season but they have made no difference what so ever and i also have bright orange ones too. all made by myself. you should give it a go not as difficult as you may think and very rewarding when you get your first bunny in one of your own nets :thumbs:

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post-13773-12602900012_thumb.jpgSeems to make no difference whatsoever -except as everyone says they are harder to lose -Unless you happen to have a mate like mine ("Martin I'm two nets short . An orange one and a lime green one ".... "Don't look at me .You must have miscounted ".... "Well what is that down the bank then?. And I bet the other one is in your flamin pocket !".).

I have orange ,yellow ,lime green and two tone lime green and red . Anyone selling a reel of pink spun nylon please PM me! (Seriously -even a part used spool will be most welcome )

I reckon that as a rabbit emerges any net it sees will be in silhouette anyway and as has been mentioned as far as we know rabbits are not atuned to seeing colour in the same way as humans . They certainly are happy enough to back net which is surely the best indication that net. colour means little to them.

I once tried stupidly to preserve some hemp nets in creosote. It did'nt stop them rotting and they remained ever-so slightly tainted . Despite the hint of Au de Coal-tar it did'nt put the rabbits off either

I think the chaps who write articles and make DVDs like coloured nets because they show up well on film. I believe you can actually buy virtually any colour twine you like from the far east . That's as long as you import it by the half ton load !post-13773-126028877627_thumb.jpg And just as a bit of a joke I've made a multi -hued net as a Christmas present to my Son -in Law ..

Edited by comanche
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