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Well hasnt our Mr Craven made a few friends on this ere forum then, I am really surprised at how many hard working dog men out there have the time to sit and watch the TV especially something that they are so critical of. So how many 'working dog' men have tried to get permission recently, is it any wander that farmers refuse our requests when these so called decent field sports supporters travel across, up and down the length of the country to trespass on land to run a dog, what about the damage, intimidation and threats that are made by lurchermen on a day out walking the dog. I fish, shoot, hunt and eat what i take. How many hares are killed by these hare coursers and dumped (too afraid of the old bill to get court with them) If you have authority you have nothing to fear if you dont then run like a scared dog with yer tail between yer legs. You know who you are you ruin it for the decent working dog man (and woman) John Craven has done nothing wrong other than show that Lincolnshire is plagued by idiots that give more and more ammunition to the anti's. Bring on the responses but please try and spell properly as its clear we have one or two illiterate ones on the forum. CountryHog with a thick skin. :clapper::whistling::feck:

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  On 07/12/2009 at 22:43, CountryHOG said:

Well hasnt our Mr Craven made a few friends on this ere forum then, I am really surprised at how many hard working dog men out there have the time to sit and watch the TV especially something that they are so critical of. So how many 'working dog' men have tried to get permission recently, is it any wander that farmers refuse our requests when these so called decent field sports supporters travel across, up and down the length of the country to trespass on land to run a dog, what about the damage, intimidation and threats that are made by lurchermen on a day out walking the dog. I fish, shoot, hunt and eat what i take. How many hares are killed by these hare coursers and dumped (too afraid of the old bill to get court with them) If you have authority you have nothing to fear if you dont then run like a scared dog with yer tail between yer legs. You know who you are you ruin it for the decent working dog man (and woman) John Craven has done nothing wrong other than show that Lincolnshire is plagued by idiots that give more and more ammunition to the anti's. Bring on the responses but please try and spell properly as its clear we have one or two illiterate ones on the forum. CountryHog with a thick skin. :clapper::whistling::feck:

I have to disagree with you on one point John craven has done wrong,he has tarred us all with the same brush,you included

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I happen to agree with you Country Hog, repeal is so close we can almost touch it but some will insist on still making a fecking nuisance of themselves.

The Bozo that they talked to could not string two words together, fecking great advert for lurcher men he was.


That programme should be a wake up call for all dog lads......the anti media/propaganda machine is in full swing because they know repeal is comming, they also know that the Hunts have conducted themselves in a proper manner so they will get repeal but if lurcher and terrier lads dont start to wise up then they will be the easy target, as this programme showed.

The antis are not stupid, they know Lurcher and terrier lads are an easy target becuase of how a few conduct themselves.

The images of dumped game are just one example.


Keep it legal, keep it discreet..........repeal is on its way and the only people who can feck it up is dog lads themselves.



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  On 07/12/2009 at 23:03, WILF said:

I happen to agree with you Country Hog, repeal is so close we can almost touch it but some will insist on still making a fecking nuisance of themselves.

The Bozo that they talked to could not string two words together, fecking great advert for lurcher men he was.


That programme should be a wake up call for all dog lads......the anti media/propaganda machine is in full swing because they know repeal is comming, they also know that the Hunts have conducted themselves in a proper manner so they will get repeal but if lurcher and terrier lads dont start to wise up then they will be the easy target, as this programme showed.

The antis are not stupid, they know Lurcher and terrier lads are an easy target becuase of how a few conduct themselves.

The images of dumped game are just one example.


Keep it legal, keep it discreet..........repeal is on its way and the only people who can feck it up is dog lads themselves.



The images of dumped game[deer]is just one example,of what?i have worked dogs for 25 years and never came across that

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WILF you are dead right. This pisspot government is out next election, so there is a possibility for a repeal. If ever there was a time to smarten up our image, its now.

Or is that exactly why the BBC have shown this document...hmm. Paint us all in a bad light so the next leaders wont have the bottle to overturn the ban.

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  On 07/12/2009 at 23:08, Alaunt said:


The images of dumped game[deer]is just one example,of what?i have worked dogs for 25 years and never came across that


Well then you are a lucky man because I have had the misfortune to come across it on several occasion normally after a team of plebs has been driving all over the estate destroying everything in sight....its an example of these plebs who just want to kill stuff.


Now some may see these types as "fellow dog lads", well they aint.....they are a fecking cancer!

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  On 07/12/2009 at 23:17, WILF said:
  On 07/12/2009 at 23:08, Alaunt said:


The images of dumped game[deer]is just one example,of what?i have worked dogs for 25 years and never came across that


Well then you are a lucky man because I have had the misfortune to come across it on several occasion normally after a team of plebs has been driving all over the estate destroying everything in sight....its an example of these plebs who just want to kill stuff.


Now some may see these types as "fellow dog lads", well they aint.....they are a fecking cancer!

I agree with you there :thumbs:

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  On 07/12/2009 at 21:57, foxylady said:

iv made my complaint to the bbc. Its not acceptable to tar everybody with the same brush,.theres of course no doubt there are those out there ruining it for the rest of us, but now, we all will be looked at like that. And whats with the 'specially trained terriers'? Specially trained?haha. Those who areinthe wromg are in the wrong,but now its made to look like we all behave like that. More aggro. Gves us all a bad name.i only had to walk my lurcher in a public place the other day and was given jip because its a running dog. This just fuels the anti's opinions.Think bbc should get their facts straight.what u guys reckon?


Well said, I have just made my complaint based on the bbc's miss representation of people who work running dogs and terriers. They seemed to neglect the fact that there is still some legal quarry. We all pay for the BBC they should represent us.

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On the Sunday before the coursing started, Greyhound 2000 looked pretty slick. The exhibition, held in Newmarket, told an interesting story of how coursing, had, for a brief period at the end of the nineteenth century, been the most popular spectator sport in Britain, with crowds of up to 100,000 at the Waterloo Cup; of how Queen Victoria had asked to meet the Irish dog Master McGrath, winner of three Waterloo Cups; of how coursing had segued into greyhound racing, which began in 1926 and, with its greater accessibility and gambling opportunities, gradually took over. The exhibition (and its glossy brochure) must have cost a great deal to produce. It was sponsored by the bookmaker William Hill, who back in the 1940s took the equivalent of £1,700,000 on runnings of the Waterloo Cup.


Mr Craven should think before he start,s calling people pervert,s.Old saying.The sport of King,s

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This is what is sent them:-

Countryfiles coverage of hare coursing on sunday 6th december was not only extremely biased it was factually incorrect on many levels. The bbc should be ashamed at such a level of poor broadcasting. By saying people with running dogs do it for their 'sick pleasure' gives us all a bad name as does saying the dogs 'rip the hare apart'.

There is a massive difference between legitimate terrier work and this so called 'badger baiting', john Craven wouldnt know a badger if it bit him on the arse. Now every Tom ,Dick and Harry out for a walk with terriers or lurchers will get harrased from your 'townie viewers' because you so poorly represented us we are effectively all tarred with the same brush.

Countryfile, not so long ago, was about the countryside. Real rural issues, farming and supported our way of life. Now you have effectively sold yourself for some viewers, well i can guarantee you after that broadcast, you have lost tens of thousands of true country people.


Everyone should take 5 minutes out their day to send a message, even if its a few words, the message will get to them. :boxing:

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