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my fav is

pheasant breasts

4 cloves of crushed galic

half a squessed lemon



2 sliced onions

dollop of olive oil

all chucked in a roasting tray for about 1/2 hour

serve with roasted spuds and veg i sometimes chuck this in with the pheasants

if i can cook this anyone can i have to sau this is my fav the mrs likes so much she even gives me afters :thumbs:


as for the legs and thighs we just chuck these in to a simple slow cooked stew

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wrap a breast in parma ham with a mild cheese with a touch of garlic, salt and pepper.

then wrap in tin foil with the fold up and let it cook in its own juices for about 15-20 mins.


or try some marinaded in reggae reggae and just grilled.


Mouth watering, will get some tomorrow and try it:thumbs:

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I've been getting a few pheasants lately off my uncle whos a keen game hunter. I cooked the mexican pheasant recipe on the following link and it was really nice!! Id suggest trying this one.




The other half doesn't like creamy things but she enjoyed it too, although I think the reggae reggae idea would be more up her street so thanks!



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