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  On 06/12/2009 at 21:16, shooter2000 said:

No im not slagging of gypsies I think that my post might have caused up raw,


Its just a touchy subject here at the moment in the past 4 weeks our cattle have been let out most nights buy ilegal hair coursers and crop fields trashed fences driven through and gates smashed up,we no it is hair courses becaus we have watched them doing it but to afraid to approach and buy the time the police arive thay have all fecked off


the people I mean in My post Is the people who do this type of damage and lack of respect for others, sorry if I have offended people


Take the post as you like but i wanted to put my opinion out, farmers are getting fed up with the cost of the claen up when they have coursed the hell out of your land they just move upto the next farm


Would this be comparable to potchers though? There are people who shoot legally and those that do it illegally, it the TV only reports on the illegal side of the sport then people become blinded to the fact that legal hunting is perfectly ok. The same with people who use dogs to catch rabbits legally and responsibly. This is a question by the way as I know almost nothing about hunting with dogs.


Cheers mate

Edited by Nik_B
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  On 06/12/2009 at 21:32, poacherkev said:
  On 06/12/2009 at 21:22, SNAP SHOT said:

i never saw it but i would suggest an e-mail into the said tv station may buck up their ideas if they get swamped with complaints...


remember there are roughly 20,000 odd members here if 1/4 of them posted a complaint it would make them open their eyes a little.



play the game.........wink.gif




Its a good ideal snap shop even if they dont like it it will still fill up there server mail box with emails proving that there is alot of us hunters out there that do give a shit what we do in our sport and as you say there are 20,000 members on here


There was a program called question time where the panel ambushed a member of a right wing political party. It was obviously ment to be a bias show that was to expose him for his bad beliefs however what actually happened was a massive backlash and egg on the faces of the BBC.


This could easily be achieved if people will take 5 minutes to complain about bias and that it was prejudice against legal hunting with dogs.

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i think shooter2000 has made a valid point , i dont think he is saying all lurchermen are the same, nor is he saying all travellers are the same. It is a point that comes up time and time again on this site , there are cowboys out there with no respect for the land ,who destroy property and couldnt care less. Many are on here , regularly defending their behaviour , . . . .my hunting life , i have never in 27years met a farmer who was a lover of hares deer foxes or badgers . . .i have never ever been approached by a farmer landowner keeper or copper when ive been hunting . . .the hunting act has had no effect on my life whatsoever . . .but the hit and run cowboys who bring it on top EVERYWHERE they go , , who cause landowners to shoot every hare they ever see just to keep these thugs away , these hit and run cowboys have had a worse effect on the hunting world than all the antis put together , and they continue to do so. Countryfile was a joke though!!

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  On 07/12/2009 at 10:10, flint67 said:

i think shooter2000 has made a valid point , i dont think he is saying all lurchermen are the same, nor is he saying all travellers are the same. It is a point that comes up time and time again on this site , there are cowboys out there with no respect for the land ,who destroy property and couldnt care less. Many are on here , regularly defending their behaviour , . . . .my hunting life , i have never in 27years met a farmer who was a lover of hares deer foxes or badgers . . .i have never ever been approached by a farmer landowner keeper or copper when ive been hunting . . .the hunting act has had no effect on my life whatsoever . . .but the hit and run cowboys who bring it on top EVERYWHERE they go , , who cause landowners to shoot every hare they ever see just to keep these thugs away , these hit and run cowboys have had a worse effect on the hunting world than all the antis put together , and they continue to do so. Countryfile was a joke though!!


Yes they didn't diferentiate between the responsible and the cowboys. That was pretty much what I was trying to say. Cheers.

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  On 06/12/2009 at 20:44, shooter2000 said:

he truth of the matter is that it is ilegal and yes the country folk/farmers wont confront jippos for fear of arsen and damage to farms and families,


I mean how would you guys like it if us farmers just smash the back gates down at a jippos house and let ther stock out and trash there produce patch,


I myself have been confrunted with a gang of jippos and it is scary,



thin is you got no respect for others property/land and dont give a feck about livestock and crops,




so it ant a wast of police time just wish they could procicute with less evedence than they need now.


That is a typical shooters attitude. Gun fetishists like you are the lowest of the low.


Learn to spell you brainless cretinous grass.

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  On 06/12/2009 at 19:31, poacherkev said:

A few years ago country file was all for hare coursing and did loads of articals on us hunters and our sports but it looks like they have turned there backs on us now for a few more tv viewers.

What a load of fecking wankers


WELL SAID PAL ! :gunsmilie:

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quote-Jacrabbit what exactly are you suggesting, that you mooch about untill you see boys with lurchers then grass them in !!!

MODS ban this bitch, quick! She is a wrongun, a gobshite, and exactly what this site doesnt need! )



i can see you are all mouth :whistling: . what i am suggesting is the land owner have legle hunters on his land that respect it . so they can GRASSS on losers who think they can do what they like and have no respect for the land or livestock.as its poeople like that who give our sport a bad name. you are the one who needs to learn respect mate

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'so they can GRASSS on losers who think they can do what they like and have no respect for the land or livestock'

I have no respect for people who abuse our sport and give it a bad name, but grassing on them to the police is not the way to go, if it leads to a prosecution it is another statistic for the anties and only helps light up the sport.

Grasses of any kind, whether you think you right or not, should not be toilerated. Especially on this site, we have enough of them already.

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  On 07/12/2009 at 07:36, alimac said:
  On 07/12/2009 at 00:47, dso88 said:

i came back last night from lamping i dropped my friend off goes about a mile down the road coppers pulled and wanted a look in the boot showed them 2 rabbits and they ok thanks for your time what the f##ks all that about :wallbash: havent they got nothing better to do

so if the car they pulled over on there stop and search was a burglar that had screwed your house while you were lamping, would you still be saying , what the f##ks all that about :wallbash: havent they got nothing better to do?????? i doubt it!!!


there a big difference mate it was only 12.30 at night there was only me in my car with a dog that they could see and i can garuantee that a burglar would not use a car like mine they are just a bunch of wankers that got nothing better to do houses get burgaled poeple get beat up and they go round pulling people when they should be doing some real crime prevention

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what a load of one sided shite, they should not have been allowed to show it without including some genuine lucher work so people dont think every1 with a lurcher is an ileagl hare courser or deer poacher and as for saying "let fast dogs catch and RIP APART THE HARE" what a load of shit most genuine dogmen train ther dog to retrive quarry live to hand. iv said it before and ill say it again we need the BBC or anyother broadcaster to have a show about genuine lurcher work. shame its the minoraty that dump dead quarry and smash gates and trash fields and rob farms that give all dogmen a bad name

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