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Another outing for the young ones

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Been up on mates permission this morning got on there late as im having transport problems netted up about 10 holes & put the young ferrets in, managed to get 2 :wallbash: & another escapee, which came walking out of the hole like he was rambling, my mate chased it down another hole & ended up dragging the net in as well but managed to escape, my Hob is coming on really well chasing them out of the hole right to the entrance, after a while i got the locator out & she seemed to have had one backed up about 5 ft down :boxing: started to dig got down to about 2 ft & she must have managed to turn it & number 2 was in the net, from what i can work out my jill ( who is small ish ) goes deep & he being bigger sits up top waiting for Ambush/Showdown, all in all a good day small bag but at least the ferrets are doing the buisiness & they are getting excercise,have got pics on my mates camera will add some later when i get them, regards john

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Aye take your time before getting the spade out mate and if there deep try baning above them with the spade that might unsettle them and cause them to move even taking the turf off before you start digging can cause them to move so i recheck with the box after iv'e taken the first divot off

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Aye take your time before getting the spade out mate and if there deep try baning above them with the spade that might unsettle them and cause them to move even taking the turf off before you start digging can cause them to move so i recheck with the box after iv'e taken the first divot off


i am a patient man but after 1 hr1/2 i thought it was about time i used the box , when i did get a mark on her she seemed to be going back to the same spot then after a good while she stayed in same place thats when i decided to dig , then the rabbit bolted so i stopped digging i am still learning & i apreciate your comments, i dont want to get the spade out again this season my back is in two ,so next time i will have a brew suprising how that gets the rabbits bolting

regards john

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Like the forum mate i have a 2 1/2 year old hob and an 8 month old jill do you think i should work my jill at her age or is it too young. I really would like to work both but what ive heard is that jills are better and as it will be my first time i only want to do a small job and my jill i calmer on the floor and dosent start playing when i try and pick her up. Thanks.

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Like the forum mate i have a 2 1/2 year old hob and an 8 month old jill do you think i should work my jill at her age or is it too young. I really would like to work both but what ive heard is that jills are better and as it will be my first time i only want to do a small job and my jill i calmer on the floor and dosent start playing when i try and pick her up. Thanks.


i dont think 8 mnths is too young, my 2 are only 6 mnths old & have had a few outings with them from 4 month old i have had a few bunnies ( 8 in total )& a couple of blanks ,im only just getting back into ferreting from a long gap .I must be blessed with my 2 as they havnt messed or sulked just seem to have took to it like ducks to water, i did all the stuff people advised me to do , i.e.running them through pipes letting them come out of the pipes/tunnel with your palm on the floor , taking them out when they was younger , handling them frequently & let them get used to the feel of grass under their feet etc they did all their messing about then, if there is any sign/smell of bunnies when i go out now my hob is off like madman, this morning was a classic i struggled to get the collar on him when i opened the ferret box he got a wiff of Bugs & he went mad trying to wriggle free , maybe someone else can give you more advice who has more experience, just take it slowly & dont rush to grab them if they show out of the holes , hope you get out soon


regards john

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Like the forum mate i have a 2 1/2 year old hob and an 8 month old jill do you think i should work my jill at her age or is it too young. I really would like to work both but what ive heard is that jills are better and as it will be my first time i only want to do a small job and my jill i calmer on the floor and dosent start playing when i try and pick her up. Thanks.


You should be trying your 8 month old jill mate or what else are you going to do with her hold her over till next season and she will be nearly two years old before you try starting her ?

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