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Sqealing Ferret

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I sent my old fella 8 ferrets down to Kent last week which i got from different people around the North East and one silver jill which is around 1 year old does nothing but back up and squeal morning, noon & night.Every time another ferret gets within 6 inch it starts.He has tried caging it on own and it still does it.Its tame and can handle it quite well but its just this squealing.My mate had a hamster with same condition but cant remember what its called.I have told him to cull it but he hasnt as yet.Any ideas lads & lasses?

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Dont know about a condition mate never herd of it so im unsure of that but it might just be a lack of confidence mate I have seen young ferrets do it but they come right when tamed down and handeled maybe just needs to build a bit of trust loads of handaling and keep it seperate from the rest of the ferrets and introduce them a few times a day then seperate again try this for a while and see if things improve hope things work out ok pal :thumbs:

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Only way to try & pinpoint the problem is to observe them for a period, only time i have had this happen is when the squeeling ferret has been bullied by one of more of the others


It could be the fact there from all over & havent mixed with each other untill now, just a simple introduction issue probably


might be worth leaving the jill alone for a few weeks , gaining its confidence again & try hand feeding


In the past i have had to seperate ferrets & due to the beatings they took from other ferrets they also squeeled when i went to handle them, just time i reccon & handle with kid gloves will bring it round :thumbs:

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Get that problem every time i introduce a new ferret to my stock. I think its just a dominance thing, the most dominant ferret will give it some stick for a few days untill it knows its place. Ive found through experience that splitting them only makes it worse no point in having ferrets that cant work together.

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my jill did a lot of screaming. At first i thought it was fear. but found out she was screamimg to get her own way. the hob gave her a good telling off and shes better now .you could try putting her in a cage with one very chilled out ferret to help her get used to ferret company. and try to ignore the screaming, let them sort it out on there own. or try putting ferretone on the the back of the chilled out ferret for het to lick off. got mine to bond by doing this . they love washing eachother now :D

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