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Problem with polecat

Guest Erin go bragh

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i always feed mine on whole rabbit just gutted i leave in the heart lungs kidnys ect.they love it straight in the cavity.lol they realy seem to like eating the brain that seems wierd


True...Put bunnies in whole, and the head always dissapears first :laugh:





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Guest Ditch_Shitter

I'll tell ye what Is weird, BM! My old dear's eighty, in a couple of weeks - just to give a time scale to this. When she was a girl, they ate a Lot of rabbits. Aparrently, in those days, people saw no differance in the head of an animal. It was just considered more meat.


Seems my mum always begged for the head! :icon_eek: It even turns her stomach now, to recount how she'd get it - this baked rabbits head. Eyeballs 'n all (I feel queezy!) and would, and I quote: " Crack it's skull open with my spoon and scoop the brains out. " !!!!!


Ohhh, Mother!!! :sick: :sick: :sick:

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Guest Erin go bragh

Yeah Sean if you could fire me round some meat for them it would be great, also would u PM me the vet you told me to go to the name and location again looks like its a trip to the vet for the poley hes not lookin to good like a walkin skeleton

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Interesting. Ye notice the common demominator is all this? " When kids. "


When I was a kid, I remember being out in the garden, minding my own business, whem my mum appeared and offered me a baked pigs foot. I asked what it was. She told me and said it was good, I'd like it. That, of course, was good enough for me. Down the neck it went. (Was nice too, obviously. Why shouldn't it be?)


But that got me thinking; Isn't it touching, how kids naturally trust their parents when it comes to food?


Anyway, I have one better. For all of you with access to a toddler - this is great!


Get a clean sock and put it in the kiddies mouth. Then tell it to say " DUCK " :rofl:


Got that one off the Danny Baker morning show, years back! ;)

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Guest Erin go bragh

Lol took the polecat to the vet today she gave him 2 injections she said there is no feicies in him what so ever and the 2 enjections where fluid and and somthing to stop inflamation of the bowls she said he was very dehydrated but i do not understand as he drinks alot of water but lets just hope that he does come around because its cost £50.00 in a month or 2 for this ferret if he doesnt come around im afraid he will need to be put down :( so wish me luck lads :signthankspin:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:( Sounds renal, mate. I'd brace yeself for the worst, sorry to say. Of course, these dried " foods " are notorious for attacking the kidneys. But there we go; Someone will scream their f***ing heads off against that now.


I'm not a vet - not that vets seem to do much good, from what we see in our lives and read, on here, of others experiances. And I haven't got the on line time nor inclination to chase all over Google for 'evidance to back up my outrageous claims'. I'm just talking to you, as I'd talk to ye if I were standing beside ye, balefully staring at ye stricken ferret.


Sorry, but I suspect that poor sod's f***ed. Now I guess it's your shout - either way. You must get fresh stock in and make the decision: To feed them what mustalids have chosen for themselves since they formed from the primal soup? Or have another bash at forcing them to eat some rank shit that a multinational conglomeration has paid some positivist scientist in a white coat to swear up, down and sideways is just what your natural born carnivours need for a long and active, healthy life.


Anyway, let the argument roll on, for feeding ferrets and Dogs shit out of greasy sacks. I'll have no part in it. I have nothing to prove. I just give my animals what they've always ate naturally. Cut up with my hatchet over my tree stump. All the arguements for that pelleted shit boil down to one thing:


'I just can't be arsed messing around when I can now just dole this shit out of a greasy sack. It's conveniant (for me!)'.

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:( Sounds renal, mate. I'd brace yeself for the worst, sorry to say. Of course, these dried " foods " are notorious for attacking the kidneys. But there we go; Someone will scream their f***ing heads off against that now.


I'm not a vet - not that vets seem to do much good, from what we see in our lives and read, on here, of others experiances. And I haven't got the on line time nor inclination to chase all over Google for 'evidance to back up my outrageous claims'. I'm just talking to you, as I'd talk to ye if I were standing beside ye, balefully staring at ye stricken ferret.


Sorry, but I suspect that poor sod's f***ed. Now I guess it's your shout - either way. You must get fresh stock in and make the decision: To feed them what mustalids have chosen for themselves since they formed from the primal soup? Or have another bash at forcing them to eat some rank shit that a multinational conglomeration has paid some positivist scientist in a white coat to swear up, down and sideways is just what your natural born carnivours need for a long and active, healthy life.


Anyway, let the argument roll on, for feeding ferrets and Dogs shit out of greasy sacks. I'll have no part in it. I have nothing to prove. I just give my animals what they've always ate naturally. Cut up with my hatchet over my tree stump. All the arguements for that pelleted shit boil down to one thing:


'I just can't be arsed messing around when I can now just dole this shit out of a greasy sack. It's conveniant (for me!)'.


:yes::clapper: :whistle:


Really sorry to hear about the stinker though mate, it doesn't sound good :( Best of luck, I've got my fingers crossed for you (so excuse any typos lol).





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Guest Erin go bragh

I think i'm just going to put him out of his misery fellas tonight he could not walk or nothing will not eat and its sad to see him like this becuase hes suck a nice friendly tame and playful ferret ill give it one more day then if hes still like that i'll talk to my da about puttin him to sleep i really do not wan't to do it but its for his own sake :( . My albino was staring in at him tonight and he didnt even lift his head i can't see him recovering i wan't to keep him but if i was in that state and not recovering id rather be dead than living hell like he is now but theres not much i can do for him now i'll let you know how it goes anyway fellas Good Luck


I'm never keepin ferrets on that dry shit anymore they will always be on meat don't trust that crap anymore

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The feeding of flesh for any carnivore has to be the right thing or they wouldnt be adapted this way .Concentrated foods of any sort cat,dog,ferret rely on the animal drinking vast amounts of water to flush out toxins used in the manufacturing .Binding ,preserving ,colouring and flavouring agents all added in concentrate form to provide easy feeding for uninformed owners . Carcass not only provides the perfect dietry needs but also allows a certain amount of feather,fur to be ingested which is the natural gut cleaner .An animal fed on flesh will have far more stamina than its saw-dust fed counterpart .Apart from this ,theres nothing better than watching the young un's on a fresh killed carcass .Try it and see .................

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