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Save the only Green Belt in Wales

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I just thought it would be a good idea to bring the following petition to your attention, guys. It is the only Green Belt in Wales and separates two cities, Newport and Cardiff, from merging, as you can see: Google Maps view of the area.


So, this cause is more than worthy of a few minutes your time, and although internet petitions often come to nothing, given the chance we may be able to save this important piece of land from the proposed development. As it would be horrendous if Wales did not have a single Green Belt, and it would be even worse if this one were to go!


Save the only Green Belt in Wales!



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I just thought it would be a good idea to bring the following petition to your attention, guys. It is the only Green Belt in Wales and separates two cities, Newport and Cardiff, from merging, as you can see: Google Maps view of the area.


So, this cause is more than worthy of a few minutes your time, and although internet petitions often come to nothing, given the chance we may be able to save this important piece of land from the proposed development. As it would be horrendous if Wales did not have a single Green Belt, and it would be even worse if this one were to go!


Save the only Green Belt in Wales!




I think you will find most of wales is green mate :icon_eek: apart from the south which is one big built up area

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This is the only actual green belt in the whole of Wales, now that alone means something, and the other important aspect of it is that it stops the two cities merging! Have a look at the Google Maps view of the area!


And I was expecting more support and signatures coming from a site of over 16k members all of which understand the importance of the natural world..

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This is the only actual green belt in the whole of Wales, now that alone means something, and the other important aspect of it is that it stops the two cities merging! Have a look at the Google Maps view of the area!


And I was expecting more support and signatures coming from a site of over 16k members all of which understand the importance of the natural world..

You might have more joy if there was a little more information about this. Just because you demand a signature doesn't mean that everyone will sign up.

I even did some searching on the web and could find nothing.

Some more info and you may get more than the 33 signatures (at time of writing) on your petition.

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I'm afraid I don't have a lot more info than this and the links, I'm just trying to spread the word and hopefully attempt to stop this happening as although I'm not in the area affected, in my opinion it was worth my time to try and get some more signatures.



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