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Whippets in the dales

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well had an invite off Nigel to have a trip out, i had Young Dodger and Nigel had Gypsy.


Nigel had arrange to meet the keepers to show him more of the permission he could now go on the shoot has finished and its immense and goes for miles with plenty of rabbits to be had.


before we mwt the keepers we did a few lower gasing fields where we bolted for the dogs, gyp picked a couple of sitters up and we caught 5 bolters, and some real healthy rabbits got away for next time.


we then moved to where we were meeting the keepers, Dodger piked up a good rabbit in the reeds from its seat, so his nose is working ;). here there was goood seted they wanted ferreting, we put as many nets down as we could on this set then entered the ferrets, it felt like an earthquake and we netted 6 rabbits and lost a couple wich head for set hidden in the heather.


we had a walk with the keep who showed Nigel more land he could go on, this is dream land and has got great permission off these guys. Gypsy once again impressed the keepers by using her nose and picking up a couple that were sat out.


the grand total was 16 big rabbits


not many pics as the rain was on and off.














couple of EOD shots






and a shot of a Grouse




thanks to Nigel for a cracking day out



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