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fell terriers/lakelands

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does anyone keep work any fells going back to the n beck strain,saw a couple work many years ago,they tended to be short strong and quite longish in the back,black and tan,not showy at all a bit like the strains of fell that use to get called border/lakelands many years ago,not sure if ward and middletons older stuff was from these lines,just wondered if there was still any of this line still going and being worked,they had no show lakeland or welsh terrier or irish terrier in them and were quite scruffy powerfull terriers and were very very hard dogs that were only for fox to hard for other stuff back in the days

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somebody has been telling you lies,they had plenty of pedigree lakeland in them,and plenty of tysons blood in there to,and any dogs of his i seen work were poor.

dont think the dogs i saw were poor anything but mate,and looked nothing like ped lakelands,it was a lot of years ago when all digging was legal,but you maybe know better than me,i dont think the lads that had them were full of shit
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Like a lot of terriers in the early 70s some of these lines were sent up to scotland to work during the winter and went back down to do

the round of shows during the summer.One from Tysons lines a bich called moll was used up here she worked everything from deep setts

to pit bings she had to be rescued from a pit bing and survived it she was a sister to Tysons mockie and she would still win shows to day. :bye:

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